Help on 5 hrs of ball busting

Pretty much what the title states. I have a booked appt for 5 hrs of ball busting, nothing else.
Need tips on...
Stretching it out so we use the full time without any need for safe words
Safety tips
New ways to switch things up during the time to keep things interesting

I'm experienced in this activity but not for that length of time without other activities. I've Neva had someone get to their safe word and I'm jot about to start now. Genuine advice only please
enigma878's Avatar
The first thing i'd recommend is asking the individual how many hours they have experienced this previously. my suspicion is that they haven't. i'm not sure anyone can take 5 hrs unless you plan on doing it oh so lightly for the majority of the time.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Best thing to do is have a discussion before the session starts. I don't think any man alive can endure that much pain.
I've done my due diligence and we've discussed it at length. According to him and verified by his references, lengthy sessions (4-5 hrs) of this are the norm for him. 12 years in the lifestyle, there are very few things that surprise me and normally requests like these rarely come to fruition so before presenting this to the board I made sure he was serious about it and had experoence with this type of session. Unfortunately his references were unwilling to share any "trade secrets" and he wants to leave the methods and varieties up to me.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have a very hard time believing that anyone is actually wanting this with any seriousness. I have a few clients who are really "into" ball busting and it's a small buildup and than wham wham wham.

The most that I've done is fifteen times and many of those weren't strong punches.

So I wish for you good luck. Honestly, five hours of ballbusting? I don't believe that it's possible unless he wants five hours of soft and medium types of hurt.

Then, it would be the same as keeping a man on the edge of orgasm for several hours. I actually find that most men cannot take that teasing, and few then, for more than a couple of hours before begging for release.

Three hours a few times.

From an escort's perspective, and not a mods, sometimes when guys are asking for this, they're wanting phone sex and to imagine it. I cannot fathom this guy really wanting this, although I'll admit to hearing worse.

But if he does? PLEASE come back and tell us EVERYTHING! Or send me a PM!!!

Good luck,
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Aftercare: The same that you've done with anyone else. Holding, cuddling, bringing him down to the real world. Light massage. Lots of hugs. Talking it through. Thinking of ways to do it better next time!

Unless he's bleeding from his testicles (and that really shouldn't happen although I've heard of it from others), this should be all that is needed.

Water. Some hot tea or a cold drink. Just the normal stuff that you would do with any client after an intense time together.

Just my thoughts!
I have had very long sessions in ball busting.
No man is going to allow you to just torture him for 5 hours.
It is the whole must make the man desire you to do it...the RIGHT WORDS to use to make him WANT to endure the pain.
If you don't know what you are doing, you could really HURT him.
He has to prepare, want to, and you have to KNOW what you are doing.
I have had Decades of experience and have a bondage frame and ball crushers steel parachutes, a racking chair, testicle tape, smackers and ball rollers pullers stretchers, and completed the desired result.
Some men want sounds and electro along with CBT and penis torture including a pinwheel.
Wax and many other toys.
I envy you.
This is my favorite play out of ALL of them.
I am green with envy.
Doc_rob's Avatar
Aftercare ???- I suggest lots of TLC
Well thank you to the advice here and my mentors, it went VERY well. I didn't get him to his safe word but got him as close as he wanted. The resilience of the body and determination of the mind never ceases to amaze me. The aftercare was especially sensual for me and a little emotional for both of us. I doubt this will become a specialty of mine or even a regular menu item, but I was grateful to be chosen for this experience. One of the key benefits for me was a friend of a friend who knew one of the refs. She was previously unwilling to share her trade secrets, but a few phone calls proved two things. 1) The lifestyle is smaller than we think & 2) Networking is a key resource in any business. Thank you all!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
THANK YOU so much for letting us know how it went!!! And it's very thoughtful (and good karma, too!) to share with us such a positive experience.

Even in the midst of a lot of pain!

Wow...I am envious of a guy who can take that! I have been to that rodeo a many of time (my favorite activity, really) but couldn't imagine *just* ballbusting for such a long time. I have enjoyed longer sessions that involved a good bit of teasing and know, stretching it out, but 5 hours!?? That's crazy!

I am glad to hear it went so well. And yes, it's a really small community. I can't imagine why though!
The Slut's Avatar
Ouch that hurts just thinking about it. Glad you had a good time.