Impeach Eric Holder

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He shows he doesn't have the faintest idea what America is about, or what our Constitution means. He has needed to go for a long time. He needs to go NOW!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Let's see how you can keep your head from exploding while you try to talk out of both sides of your mouth simultaneously.

Door #1 - Klll The Terrorists!
Door #2 - Defend American Citizens!

Oh, boy! Your hero, Joe McCarthy, noted Commie Witch Hunter, would have had a field day with this one. Seems to me that he had some "Commie spies" who were, uh oh - here it comes - American citizens tried, convicted and executed.
He shows he doesn't have the faintest idea what America is about, or what our Constitution means. He has needed to go for a long time. He needs to go NOW! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, I do want to commend you for doing a self-analysis exercise. Better late than never! I want to add that I am in agreement with your final conclusion. You do need to go. NOW! Indeed, you have "needed to go for a long time."

Since you decided to go, you might as well take Rush, Turdfly, JD, Whirly, IIFFOFRDB and IB with you! You guys can spend all of your waking hours watching FAUX News, high fiving each other and changing each others diapers!

Once you're all locked up, America will be a better place!!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Randy, you touched on the operative word, tried, convicted executed. What Holder wants to do is bypass tried and convicted, and go straight to execution. All based on what he thinks, or what the intelligence tells him, yes, the same type of intelligence that swore there were WMDs in Iraq.

Tried, convicted. The target at least gets to have his day in court, and have the charges against him proven. That's what American citizenship is about.

Now if one of these clowns gets in a firefight with American soldiers, that is different. When he is targeted for a sneak attack aimed at killing him, that is assassination. Not what America should be about.

BigTurd, like so many liberals, you want to lock up or otherwise eliminate voices different than yours. That's more like the old Soviet Union than America. Well, it used to be that way. Yup, the world would be so much better if everyone thought like you.

BTW, I haven't watched Fox News in over 3 years. Your stereotypes make you look even stupider. I don't have cable, and I rarely watch TV. You will have to go back to your prior uses of your pigeonhole, I don't work that way.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Judge Napolitano, as usual, gets it right. Found this link on Facebook.
I'm with you on this, COG! I think Eric Cantor should be impeached!

As for Napolitano, he is a werewolf. They have to shave 3 inches of forehead hair back before every show.

And his hands... You should see his hands
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good Stevie. A blind guy making fun of how someone looks. Brilliant. Apparently you don't have a response to his argument. No? I didn't think so.

I'd ask you how good looking you are, but how would you know?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
stevie, time to turn in your glass eyeballs! LOL!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It shouldn't have to be said but with some people it does have to be said. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were indicted, tried, convicted, and executed but a jury and judge. Joseph McCarthy was neither the judge or the jury. If you read the Venona papers then you will read the KGB files that confirm the Rosenbergs were spies and the in many cases McCarthy was correct. The conflict comes during that first speech when McCarthy said that there were over 200 communists in the state department. His actual speech said that there were 71 communists in the state department (which is number that the FBI was investigating) but a speech writer wrote in 200. McCarthy read something that was wrong and refused to backtrack. The press had the original speech but didn't do their due diligence.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
So, we're in agreement that treason is punishable by death.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am opposed to the death penalty in any circumstances. But treason is punishable by death, AFTER a trial.
Im sorry, could anyone explain to me what the thought is behind defending Holder? Fast and Furious alone should have been reason enough for him to resign.
Too many words.

If it had been possible to take out Hitler, Stalin etc., would you have supported that? My own hesitation would be solely whether there was a suitable replacement. It would have been interesting to see whether the Nazi machine could have continued if the Hitler bombing had succeeded.

Maybe 'interesting' is not the right word.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
It shouldn't have to be said but with some people it does have to be said. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were indicted, tried, convicted, and executed but a jury and judge. Joseph McCarthy was neither the judge or the jury. If you read the Venona papers then you will read the KGB files that confirm the Rosenbergs were spies and the in many cases McCarthy was correct. The conflict comes during that first speech when McCarthy said that there were over 200 communists in the state department. His actual speech said that there were 71 communists in the state department (which is number that the FBI was investigating) but a speech writer wrote in 200. McCarthy read something that was wrong and refused to backtrack. The press had the original speech but didn't do their due diligence. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hmmmm, 71 out of "200" is .355 - a career batting average that will get you into the Baseball Hall of Fame. But, I'm not so sure that I'd like him using that "eye" to select other likely targets. I guess 71 as a threatening number didn't sound scary enough in his mind's eye (ear?) so someone just sort of, you know, "estimated." I suppose Tailgunner Joe had never heard the number 71 or I'm sure he would have called his speechwriter out, right? Bueller? Bueller?

Holder? Defending him? Well, what do the targets of his wrath have to say about their "home?" I guess that there are limits to anything and I'm not very happy that the infection has spread to the current AG. But, if he was operating under the Cheney/Bush Administration....weeeeellllll l, maybe it'd be OK.

Just for shits'n'giggles, I'll play you guys' normal part: "You candy-assed, limp-wristed, tampon wearin,' retards would let ADMITTED ENEMIES OF THE UUUUUNITED STATES OF MURRIKA run free in this world while they are planning the total destruction of our way of life?!?!? I say nuke 'em all and let GAWD sort 'em out!!!"
I dont think arming the Mexican Drug Cartels and that resulting in the deaths of 2 federal agents would have gone over in the Bush/Cheney Admin. That sort of thing really pisses off people on the right. Holder has lied about his knowledge of this operation, its resulted in a lot of deaths on both sides of the border and it resulted in no major arrests. This does not seem to bother liberals because Obama, Holder and the media by in large has paid it no mind at all.