Seriously. This place used to be like a bunch of guys sitting in a bar arguing, and sharing drinks. It was all good natured, even though it got intense at times. We had some thoughtful liberals who could actually put up a good fight on substance.
Now it has degenerated to more of a kindergarten recess. You can post a serious topic, and the responses are on the same level as "nanner nanner boo boo". It is getting old and boring. Most of you libs are making WTF look like the smart one of the bunch. At least he has something to say occasionally. The rest of you clowns are just acting like a bunch of little kids, and your taunts are merely playground caliber.
A lot of the thoughtful nonlibs have left, and the rest are posting less often. I guess since you want to silence the opposition, you are being effective. Yes, I know you think the world would be better off if I was imprisoned or killed. That way you wouldn't have to think about the issues I raise.
But this remains a SHMB. No one cares about what we say here. So even if you bore me out of here, the fact remains that you haven't even closely addressed the issues I have raised on their substance.
No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just saying that your infantile rants are boring. You are really looking quite stupid. There are intelligent liberals out there, TTH for one, who can put up a good fight, and even win a few. The rest of you are just tedious.
C'mon. Challenge me and the other non-libs with some substance. Think about a response. Don't simply post the first playground insult that comes to mind. It reflects more poorly on you than its target. This is the one board where you can think with your big head. You must be up to it, because I think all of you can dress yourselves. But that is an assumption on my part, you couldn't tell it from your posts.
Anyway. Quit being boring. And if you don't like my posts, quit responding to every goddam one of them with the same nonsense. I will stipulate that you think I'm an asshole and would be better off dead. So let's move on to something else.