Are all conservatives traitors?
Many of the posters on this site like to assume present behavior is tied to the origin of the group in it’s distant past.
Many conservatives feel this way. It’s one of the few things I agree with them on.
Let’s think back on the beginning of the conservative movement in the United States of American. They were the loyalists, the Tories, they generally fought for the status quo. You know, helping to keep the necks of Americans under the English boot. Under the direction of the Founding Fathers, progressives to a man, many were executed.
As traitors.
As they should have been.
A glorious time at the end of the Revolutionary War. Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England.
Most, not all. Unfortunately.
By definition, conservatives want things to stay the same. Most will never admit some things need to be changed. Typically, they have theirs and see no reason for change.
Never forget they want no change for the better. That’s because things have to change before you find out if things are better.
Many conservatives like America failing because they are comfortable with it.
But we knew that.
How judgemental of you. What do you think needs to be changed that conservatives don't?
A glorious time at the end of the Revolutionary War. Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England.
Most, not all. Unfortunately.
Are you implying that conservatives should be executed? Are you serious? I am having a hard time following your broken sentences.
How sad... a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I suggest that you pick up a book on International Relations and read about the liberals and the realists. You see a classic liberal is today's conservative and today's liberal is a progressive socialist. The classic liberal believed in small government, individual freedoms, and self reliance. The individual advanced by their wits and hard work. Today's liberal (the progressive socialist) is about government oversight, strict rules so people act the "right" way, and equality of results.
By the way, the founding fathers DID NOT execute the tories. Where the hell did you read that? Many tories moved to Canada and back to England. During the Napoleonic wars the British Army fielded units like the 33rd regiment which consisted of Americans. I know you will find this hard to believe but some tories stayed in the United States and become Americans.
Yep, JD, kinda like laws against fraud and murder - shocking government intervention.
Your understanding of American history is sub par...can you provide some facts, to go with your tequillla inspired thesis?
The founding fathers were not Progressives, but Constitutional Conservatives who believed in INDIVIDUAL rights and responsibilities, not the nanny state Progressivism advocated by Obama and his leftist regime.
I am surrounded by stupid......ijs.
A glorious time at the end of the Revolutionary War. Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England.
Most, not all. Unfortunately.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Did you actually just post in public that you condone the murder of people that don't thinck like you do? You are a perfect example of why progressives are so very dangerous. I like it when you show yourself for who you really are so we can all keep an eye on you.
You are no countryman of mine.
Define "change for the better" without political commentary.
Define "change for the better" without political commentary.
Originally Posted by boardman
He can't. For one thing "change for the better" in blue or black is subjective.
To go back to his original post, he said Tories were traitors. Actually, that’s incorrect. Technically the Colonialists were traitors to England. I of course agree with the Colonialists and the formation of America, but if we’d lost, ya, the Freedom Fighters (Heard that word anywhere lately?) would have been tried and executed as traitors to the crown.
How judgemental of you. What do you think needs to be changed that conservatives don't?
A glorious time at the end of the Revolutionary War. Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England. It was great. No assholes dragging their feet (except the ones we used too long a rope on), the vast majority working towards a common goal.
Most, not all. Unfortunately.
Are you implying that conservatives should be executed? Are you serious? I am having a hard time following your broken sentences.
Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Look up the definition of "conservative". The “change” they want is a return to the past. I stated a pox on the US had nearly been eliminated. I stated conservatives claim groups always reflect their origins (such as Planned Parenthood is claimed to reflect Ms. Sanger’s oft mis-quoted and taken out of context statements) and that they are no different. I stated it was good that they were executed as the traitors they were.
You should learn to read. What broken sentences? I merely pointed out their past behavior indicates their present mindset. They have focused on making a one term president at a time when America needs everyone working towards a common goal.
What do you think should be done with people who actively work towards damaging our country?
Your understanding of American history is sub par...can you provide some facts, to go with your tequillla inspired thesis?
The founding fathers were not Progressives, but Constitutional Conservatives who believed in INDIVIDUAL rights and responsibilities, not the nanny state Progressivism advocated by Obama and his leftist regime.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Progressives came up with the Constitution. Conservatives oppose change. Squirm. Wrap around the shaft as the fishhook is driven into your ass.
Conservatives do not propose a complete change in the form of a government. No matter how many books you quote by conservatives saying they were part of the process and not the traitors they were, the truth doesn’t change. They were all for staying with England and housing English troops. Just like you still do.
I really have nothing to add lads accept for the bit about the Tories. In my opinion they are without a shadow of a doubt the most stubborn, daft, racist bunch of twats. I am obviously totally biased on this topic. I'm a life long member of the Labour party. I reckon most Yanks would associate us with the socialist movement. Which is fair I suppose. In my opinion nothing wrong with a wee bit of socialist democracy. It is possible to have both chaps;-)
How sad... a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I suggest that you pick up a book on International Relations and read about the liberals and the realists. You see a classic liberal is today's conservative and today's liberal is a progressive socialist. The classic liberal believed in small government, individual freedoms, and self reliance. The individual advanced by their wits and hard work. Today's liberal (the progressive socialist) is about government oversight, strict rules so people act the "right" way, and equality of results.
By the way, the founding fathers DID NOT execute the tories. Where the hell did you read that? Many tories moved to Canada and back to England. During the Napoleonic wars the British Army fielded units like the 33rd regiment which consisted of Americans. I know you will find this hard to believe but some tories stayed in the United States and become Americans.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They executed spies. Most spies were loyalists or Tories. I didn't say they executed Tories because they were Tories.
He can't. For one thing "change for the better" in blue or black is subjective.Not always. Not being under England's heel is an objective change for the better.
To go back to his original post, he said Tories were traitors. Actually, that’s incorrect. Technically the Colonialists were traitors to England. I of course agree with the Colonialists and the formation of America, but if we’d lost, ya, the Freedom Fighters (Heard that word anywhere lately?) would have been tried and executed as traitors to the crown.Stop acting like you don't know who writes history. You are obtuse to a fault.[/quote]
With great restraint I will not comment on the lack of thought contained in this post. Who gives a fuck about a "what if" story? The point of view I use is that of an American. An American.
So fuck off.