Indefinite Detention Targeted In Democratic Bill

I B Hankering's Avatar
Indefinite Detention Targeted In Democratic Bill On Handling Terrorist Suspects

"On the books, we have a law that gives the executive branch the power to indefinitely detain people here in the U.S., even U.S. citizens, and we believe we should take that off the books," Smith said at a Capitol Hill news conference. "Even though you can make an argument that this executive will not exercise that authority, has not exercised that authority, we don't believe we can afford to allow that kind of power to reside in the executive branch."
LovingKayla's Avatar
I love it when you take a liberal rag and find a great story. I offer blow jobs at the feet of the great one.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Head for the hills, IBH, we're coming to get ya!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I can't get the article to load, so is it true? If so, God Bless whoever they are!! I think more Democrats than Republicans have come out against that treasonous bill. More power to them. If I was in their district, I would vote for any of the sponsors of this bill. HOO-RAY!!!!

Uh, I'd like a blowjob, too, Kayla. If it's ok with you.