Are you an Optimist or Pessimist?

tia travels's Avatar
In Regard To The Picture Below,
which are you?

Here's a quiz to take also:

My results from this quiz:
You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.
You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...
But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.
You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope.
canuckvic's Avatar
as I expected, optimist!
I'm a realist- I see things for what they are. No sugarcoating here.
Most Definitively a Realist... some times seeing the cup half full is lying to your self and seeing it half empty your Never satisfied lol
Sweet N Little's Avatar
half Optimist but while y'all are deciding ..I drank it

Pink Floyd's Avatar
I always heard, "cheer up things be worse" so I cheered up, and sure enough things got worse. I am an optimist, I have delusions of growing younger. LOL
burkalini's Avatar
I am an optimist when things are going well and a pessimist when they aren't. Maybe it's the other way around. Fuck if I won a million dollars I would just have to pay taxes on it. Hmmm??? That pussy isn't so big I won't fuck it.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The sky is always falling, just like the top in the girl's picture b/c there is nothing there to hold it up.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Optimistically Realistic here....
I like small tits so this lady is attractive to me. So attractive, I stand no chance. She could never imagine having a good time with me.
Well, the test says I am a realist. Maybe it's correct.

Those boobs in the picture look real to me...and I love them !!
Still Looking's Avatar
Hopeless Optimist... if a provider has an A CUP and one D CUP I say enter that wet t-Shirt contest anyway. Hell you might get 1st & 4th LOL
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I like small tits so this lady is attractive to me. So attractive, I stand no chance. She could never imagine having a good time with me. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well we can all guess which one you are Charlie

Still Looking's Avatar
Well we can all guess which one you are Charlie

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little