Obama Approval Rating Shows Serious Slip in New Poll

I B Hankering's Avatar
At a time of rising gas prices, heightened talk of war with Iran and setbacks in Afghanistan, Mr. Obama’s approval rating dropped substantially in recent weeks, the poll found, with 41 percent of respondents expressing approval of the job he is doing and 47 percent saying they disapprove — a dangerous position for any incumbent seeking re-election.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The clowns on here jump all over the polls showing Obama in good shape. Watch them ignore or discount these numbers.

They are meaningless in any event, but the lefties will leave this one alone.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
By Memorial Day Obama will be in the 30s.
People will believe anything if they are hurting,with high fuel prices driving up everything else.It is easy to want to believe someone else who is bullshitting them about lowering fuel prices,restoring America to a # one spot in the world in manufacturing ect ect.
I B Hankering's Avatar
People will believe anything if they are hurting,with high fuel prices driving up everything else.It is easy to want to believe someone else who is bullshitting them about lowering fuel prices,restoring America to a # one spot in the world in manufacturing ect ect. Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the inbred, you are deflecting.
It almost doesn't matter with what the idiotic Republicans are doing. Sanitarium? Seriously?!? He won two more states yesterday. The Democrats are a party of the money in the air give away and the Republicans are the party of fear. God help us.

I detest Obama, but I will pull a straight Democratic ticket if that religious zealot, that lost his senate seat by a HUGE margin AND defends earmarks, is on the ticket.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Olivia I haven't heard anyone here defending Santorum. I can point out that Richard Nixon lost two major elections (President and Governor) before he won the White House in 1968 with major democratic and independent support. The is that just because someone lost an election does not disqualify someone from learning and coming back to win an election. I don't think Santorum is the religious fanatic that you fear but he is certainly not my cup of tea but my personal choices have already been torpedoed.

Bottom line; nearly anyone is a better choice than Obama. Have you heard that the CBO finally got a good read on Obamacare and it will cost 1.7 trillion dollars or almost twice what the democrats said it would cost. 1.7 trillion dollars that we just don't have and this destroys the argument that this will save an equal amount of money so that it is costless. The best way to stop this robbery is to remove Obama.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'd take Santorum over bambam any day of the week. I'd take him over Romney any day of the week too.

This election sucks so bad It couldn't even be a prostitute.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Sanitarium, may just knick the conservative election. I fairly new to Yank politics so I must say I am shocked at how bloody conservative the political landscape is in this country. And, gob smacked at how low in the polls Obama is falling. Obviously, I support Obama and to be fair anyone who is left of center as far as political candidates are concerned. I'm becoming more and more worried that us Libs will lose this election. Having a conservative as President and our mentalist at 10 Downing street both in seats of power at the same time doesn't look promising for world peace! Thankfully, it looks like we will put Labour back in control in the UK at the next election.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sanitarium, may just knick the conservative election. I fairly new to Yank politics so I must say I am shocked at how bloody conservative the political landscape is in this country. And, gob smacked at how low in the polls Obama is falling. Obviously, I support Obama and to be fair anyone who is left of center as far as political candidates are concerned. I'm becoming more and more worried that us Libs will lose this election. Having a conservative as President and our mentalist at 10 Downing street both in seats of power at the same time doesn't look promising for world peace! Thankfully, it looks like we will put Labour back in control in the UK at the next election.
Originally Posted by liberaldevil
You'd do well to read some American history. It was the 'libs' that led (or more aptly: 'got caught with their pants down') the U.S. into WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Those wars encompassed three-quarters of the 20th century, bloke.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I wasn't bloody referring to history of the past mate. I was referring to the "here & now".
I B Hankering's Avatar
I wasn't bloody referring to history of the past mate. I was referring to the "here & now". Originally Posted by liberaldevil
The point is, appeasement and projecting weakness - à la Neville Chamberlain, has never prevented wars, mate. It's a violent world out there. Putting your head in the sand and pretending otherwise will not change reality.
joe bloe's Avatar
Sanitarium, may just knick the conservative election. I fairly new to Yank politics so I must say I am shocked at how bloody conservative the political landscape is in this country. And, gob smacked at how low in the polls Obama is falling. Obviously, I support Obama and to be fair anyone who is left of center as far as political candidates are concerned. I'm becoming more and more worried that us Libs will lose this election. Having a conservative as President and our mentalist at 10 Downing street both in seats of power at the same time doesn't look promising for world peace! Thankfully, it looks like we will put Labour back in control in the UK at the next election. Originally Posted by liberaldevil
It amazes me that a European is willing to defend socialism after it's destroyed their economy. Europe is melting down because of run away spending on ridiculous cradle to grave social welfare programs. If it wasn't for America providing free defence for the last 60 years, the Europeans would have gone bankrupt much sooner.

Watching Europe disintgrate is like watching lemmings go over a cliff.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I'm "socialist" to a point. And, because of Europe's issues we have wisely stood fast as far as sticking with the Sterling pound. I'm not going to be getting into military defense issues of WWII because I'd get bloody slaughtered being as I'm in America on an American website. However, if your lovely country (which it is ) no sarcasm meant was geographically as close to Germany as we were those nazi cunts would have bombed you as well.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm "socialist" to a point. And, because of Europe's issues we have wisely stood fast as far as sticking with the Sterling pound. I'm not going to be getting into military defense issues of WWII because I'd get bloody slaughtered being as I'm in America on an American website. However, if your lovely country (which it is ) no sarcasm meant was geographically as close to Germany as we were those nazi cunts would have bombed you as well. Originally Posted by liberaldevil
Exactly!!! Now you have it!!! Projecting weakness and pretending the world is not a big, bad place, à la Neville Chamberlain, doesn't insure peace.