This week we have seen multiple polls (nyt-cbs, washington -abc, rasmussen, and others) showing Obama's campaign strategy to demonize Republicans and divide the independent vote isn't working!!!

His approval numbers are at all time lows, he loses in head to head matchups against Romney and Santorum (OMG), and Americans hold him responsible for the $5 gallon gas!

Tick, tick, tick.................

Funny why the brain dead right blame him for high fuel prices,guess the condom issue has dried up. Even the most conservative experts on oil say there is nothing he can do to lower it,except remove all federal and state taxes on it.
Polls show it is the independent voter who blames Obama for the record high gas prices that; everybody knows will get worse as summer driving peaks....

Funny why the brain dead right blame him for high fuel prices,guess the condom issue has dried up. Even the most conservative experts on oil say there is nothing he can do to lower it,except remove all federal and state taxes on it. Originally Posted by ekim008
Blaming whoever is the president for gas prices despite the fact that he has no control over it apparently is the name of the politcial game.

The best is listening to Obama talk about how Bush should have done exactly what he did with the stimulus and all the good things that would follow.
And to think...had McCain been unlucky or even as lazy as the half-term Alaska Governor, we could have had her running the country and using her superior intellect to deal with all these problems!
Obama has a serious problem at the moment. His approval rating is currently sitting at 41%, and, as every politician and political consultant knows quite well, no incumbent has ever been re-elected with an approval rating below 43%. Unless the Republicans do a really impressive job of snatching defeat from the very jaws of victory, if the numbers stay where they are, Obama is done for.

I expect that he is VERY worried about what Michelle will do to him if she learns that she is no longer going to be able to jet off on vacation whenever she wants, spending taxpayer money like it was going out of style.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I heard that Obama can't do anything to lower the price of oil...
It takes three things to lower the price of oil; increase the supply, lower the demand, reassure the speculators that the flow will continue.

Can Obama (or any president) increase the supply? Yes! The government doesn't drill but creates an atmosphere where the private sector does increase the supply. Opening up areas where drilling can be donely relatively cheaply rather than 5,000 feet deep is only one way of doing it. Start issuing the permits faster. Verbally get off the backs of oil companies by stopping the rhetorical attacks. Have the EPA relax unnecessary regulations that are getting in the way of building more refineries.

Can Obama decrease the demand? Only by oppressing the freedom of the people or finding a working replacement. The people could be oppressed by increasing the federal tax on gasoline substancially. Of course the tax could be dropped or removed (since they go to the general fund anyway instead of the highway fund) completely.

Can Obama reassure the speculators? Dealing with Iran in a muscular and permanent way would calm fears. Calming the waters in the middle east with the Arab Brotherhood and the Arab Spring would calm the speculators.

So Obama (and any other president) could affect the price of gas if he truly wanted.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Blaming whoever is the president for gas prices despite the fact that he has no control over it apparently is the name of the politcial game.

The best is listening to Obama talk about how Bush should have done exactly what he did with the stimulus and all the good things that would follow. Originally Posted by Grifter

It got him elected once... Originally Posted by gnadfly
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  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 01:34 AM
I heard that Obama can't do anything to lower the price of oil...
It takes three things to lower the price of oil; increase the supply, lower the demand, reassure the speculators that the flow will continue.

Can Obama (or any president) increase the supply? Yes! The government doesn't drill but creates an atmosphere where the private sector does increase the supply. Opening up areas where drilling can be donely relatively cheaply rather than 5,000 feet deep is only one way of doing it. Start issuing the permits faster. Verbally get off the backs of oil companies by stopping the rhetorical attacks. Have the EPA relax unnecessary regulations that are getting in the way of building more refineries.

Can Obama decrease the demand? Only by oppressing the freedom of the people or finding a working replacement. The people could be oppressed by increasing the federal tax on gasoline substancially. Of course the tax could be dropped or removed (since they go to the general fund anyway instead of the highway fund) completely.

Can Obama reassure the speculators? Dealing with Iran in a muscular and permanent way would calm fears. Calming the waters in the middle east with the Arab Brotherhood and the Arab Spring would calm the speculators.

So Obama (and any other president) could affect the price of gas if he truly wanted. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

and this idget teaches?


send your kids to good schools.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Want to post your counterpoint? Then put your head down and go back to sleep.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 01:16 PM
Want to post your counterpoint? Then put your head down and go back to sleep. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

point being, your sophomoric explanation of supply/demand/speculation is just that, sophomoric. And thats being generous.

just an example: should any president give the order to open every oil field in the country tomorrow, it would be at least a decade before we even begin to see anything that resembles production and then another five to ten years before those holes reach full production, if then. So remind everyone exactly how Obama can increase production RIGHT NOW and lower the global price of oil and prices at the pump???

stick with coaching spelling on message boards Prof.
The 2 percent is a reflection of current oil being drilled, not oil that is out there. According to our own governement we have enough oil domestically that is not being drilled for to feed current consumption for 200 years. Now if it takes 10 years to get that flowing fine but the point of view that its not worth doing because of how long it would take would be moot if say Bush had done it and all the oil we bought was produced domestically today.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 02:41 PM
taking ANWR as an example, the field was there prior Bush, but came into the picture when producing the oil wasnt cost effective during Bush. Not until oil went well above 90$ did the (serious) talk of drilling the north face enter the picture again.

According to the EIA, the legalese of leasing etc would have taken 8-10 years, and bringing the first barrel to the surface another 10 years, with FULL production of said well another 5 years, or give/take a year, 25 years start to full production ... the full effect of that venture assuming oil prices remain the same then, as they are currently would have only reduced the price at the pump 3-5 cents. Absoutely little or no effect on us, but mega $$$$ effect for the oil companies.

what else is new.
If "speculation" in the commodities market is what driving price spikes. - - something Obamazombies love to claim- then there are a whole set of immediate actions a President can take to undercut the speculative pricing.

But Obama is happy with the high price, and chooses to do nothing to influence the speculating!