Keep Leon Panetta Safe!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Seriously? The military brass are afraid that a soldier might want to do harm to our Secretary of Defense? This could not be more bizarre.

Maybe if Secretary Panetta would quit saying stupid things like this.

But by all means, keep Mr. Panetta safe (seriously). It's dumbfounding that our soldiers need to be disarmed before the SECDEF speaks to them. I mean, what the hell is going on?

But when the Secretary of Defense claims that the international community can give the US permission to go to war, he needs to be removed from office. Peacefully. And given a Constitution to study.

It is becoming a bizarro world.

joe bloe's Avatar
If Rumsfeld had done that the press would have gone berserk. They would have said that Bush's war had gone so badly that we can't trust our troops not to shoot the secretary of defence.
I B Hankering's Avatar
First Napolitano, now Panetta. Truly pathetic. And they think themselves 'leaders'.
Iaintliein's Avatar
The general in charge wanted the Marines, "to look just like their Afghan partners." which is very consistent since the general's bosses want the Untied States to look just like Afghanistan (except for their neighborhoods, of course).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Right. I will call bullshit on that one.
What I don't understand is when Panetta's plane landed a native translator supposedly stole a gas truck, rammed it thru the fence and was going to try to crash it into Panetta's plane. Obviously since the translator worked for the US our screening is below par.

Given that I would think that we would want our guys armed. I'm not buying the Afghanistan were disarmed so we are disarming as a sign of unity excuse.