What a Bad Move

kalel030's Avatar
Most of you know what I do for a living so I hope you get a chuckle out of this. In the theme of March Madness I thought I would show off my handles on the basketball court. Keep in mind that I am white. So there I am with my station gear on putting on a display of pure magic (lol). I then attempt the cross over dribble which did not happen because either I am white, to short, no handles, or all the above. The outcome of this move resulted with a broken foot. I don't recall showing off my 3 inch vertical! They said I did! So now I sit at home broken foot, and lost cell phone.

So my lesson was: Don't attempt basketball anymore, and don't take your phone to the gym. Have a good laugh on me!

Air Kal
Damn that sucks, hope you're okay.
kalel030's Avatar
Left foot is broken but I am fine. So the myth is right white man can't jump and black man can't swim..It is all good!
Or slant eyes who don't know how to drive... Come to think of it, that might explain all my speeding tickets.
happy the clown's Avatar
Damn man you need to be more careful. Hate to see what you might break in a hobby accident......

Lol hope it heals quickly
LuckyBuck's Avatar
sympathys for the broken foot. Not going to lie. I did chuckle a little. But only because I'm glad it didn't happen to me.

I'll keep your wise words about basketball in mind. I prefer hockey anyways.