Sonny's Nude Again

Sonny's in Waco has nude dancing again.
Really ??
Flip99's Avatar
good news !
Saaaaweettttttt .... Time to get locked in the back room again lol....mean I dont know anything about what goes on there if you ask me lol
There is only one review of Sonny's that I can find on here and the OP didn't answer the questions. Soooooo, let me put it out there..... Extras to be had there or not?

Just sayin,
Ydoido's Avatar
I know the owner and word is that the only way they could open again fully nude was to give up the BYOB status. If anyone goes let us all know if hats the case.
If you ever saw the story in the news, that was the main one giving extras. There was also some OTC at times. Guess it might of been just me being a regular and knowing most the dancers. GF kills all that fun now.
Still byob when i went in.