It sounds like he's referencing the tea party, even though this is an old quote.

BigLouie's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Louis, you can't even understand Asimov much less quote him accurately. Read the Foundation Trilogy and you will see that Asimov was much more conservative than you think and he would have liked the Tea Party. The man was a libertarian and you are just a punk, a lying punk, plagarizing punk, who could't lick Asimov's balls.
joe bloe's Avatar
Louis, you can't even understand Asimov much less quote him accurately. Read the Foundation Trilogy and you will see that Asimov was much more conservative than you think and he would have liked the Tea Party. The man was a libertarian and you are just a punk, a lying punk, plagarizing punk, who could't lick Asimov's balls. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

It's laughable that the left constantly accuses conservatives of being anti-intellectual. It's actually the radical left that has, in many cases, abandoned the intellect and embraced emotion driven nonsense.

In the ongoing controversy between the human caused global warming zealots and the unbelievers, the accusation is being made that those who do not buy into human caused global warming are unscientific flat earthers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It has been shown that the human caused global warming zealots are cooking the books on climate data. They've been caught, several times, rigging numbers to try and make it look like the problem of global warming (if in fact there is a problem) is far worse than the facts indicate. Legitimate scientists don't cook the books; political activists masquerading as scientists do. Human caused global warming is junk science. No doubt, not all climate change researchers are crooked but those who are have tainted the whole field of research.

Al Gore and other human caused global warming zealots are constantly telling us that an overwhelming consensus has been established supporting human caused global warming and that the debate is over. Establishing a consensus is not how science is practiced. One person with a provable theory overturns the consensus; this is how science progresses. The fact that the left keeps talking about the consensus is a propaganda device. They understand that people are sheep; they will go along with whatever conclusion they think is widely believed.

The left have turned environmental concerns into a sort of religion. And like all religions an element of faith is required. Faith is not simply reaching a conclusion based completely on verifiable facts. Faith is, by its nature, inherently unscientific and consequently anti-intellectual.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was thinking the left was superstitious. The evidence to support global warming is sparse and unreliable. I remember that in 1991 there was a story in USA Today about the jetstream changing course to a higher latitude. We all know about the jetstream and what it does. Due to the rotation of the earth prevailing winds tend to go from west to east. The jetstream was discovered by high altitude bombers in World War II. It follows a well recognized path and changes about every 20 years or so. That is why weather goes from west to east in a northernly way. Okay, that is the science. Now some wacked out person knows this and also realizes that most people are not paying attention announces that he has discovered global warming. He knows that in most of the world temperatures will get warmer as part of a nature process so there you go. When things stablize global warming become climate change. This is to make the nut jobs and charlatans sound reasonable again. A couple of months ago it was announced that the jetstream had changed course again (right on time) more to the north. This means warmer temperatures in the midwest again plus a longer growing season. It won't be long before the global warming people show back up.
This reminds me of the story of a Connecticutt Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain. The yankee who is from the future (circa 1880) is going to be executed for being a sorcerer but he has a little book with some facts about solar eclipses. An eclipse is perfectly natural but he tricks the 6th century locals into thinking that he blotted out the sun (it just happened to be a day of a solar eclipse). The SUPERSTITIOUS people bought into his malarkey. The jetstream is natural and when you know that it has changed course then you know temperatures will go up. You can trick the locals into thinking what you want (ie. man made global warming).

The left, rather than being scientific are superstitious.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's laughable that the left constantly accuses conservatives of being anti-intellectual. It's actually the radical left that has, in many cases, abandoned the intellect and embraced emotion driven nonsense. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Most of the lefties in this forum have admitted that comedians, e.g., Stewart, Colbert, Maher, et al., are their primary source for news, and they admit biased movies are their primary source for history.