BP Killeen - is she legit?

Nate44's Avatar
If so, any idea on menu? BBBJ hopefully? Cost?

Thank you.
Buckskin's Avatar
Nate44's Avatar

Oops sorry Originally Posted by Nate44
She's legit, used to go by Layla. Her incall sucked when I saw her just because it was in that little crappy off 190. Her menu is pretty open, she seems like she truly enjoys the activities. She's thicker than I normally go for but something about get made me attracted, maybe it was the positive attitude.
knotty man's Avatar
ive seen her also ,and she is legit. pics are pretty accurate and up to date. she is a pretty cool laid back kinda girl
I have been curious about her for a while now, is her menu the normal non GFE type for Killeen?