Alexandria Pelosi Shows The Other Side

Just saw this, you have to hand it to her, she calls it like it is.

The left was all adoring as last week she showed toothless people in Mississippi acting like rural rednecks.

Now she shows the core of the Democrat Party, the 'gimme my Obama Money Crowd', much to the chagrin of HBO, and probably the entire left. Mama can't be happy.

I am waiting to see this run on MSNBC. Or even on the Evening News.
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Again, no tits or taint ...
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  • 03-19-2012, 07:43 PM
Just saw this, you have to hand it to her, she calls it like it is.

The left was all adoring as last week she showed toothless people in Mississippi acting like rural rednecks.

Now she shows the core of the Democrat Party, the 'gimme my Obama Money Crowd', much to the chagrin of HBO, and probably the entire left. Mama can't be happy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
There is an obvious difference in methodology used in making the two videos, but i don't even care about that. Frankly, both videos only go towards reinforcing my beliefs.

It's obvious that the people in the video are just not very smart. It's obvious that even if the people in the video did all the right things to live up to their potential, their options would still be extremely limited and they'd be relegated to 3rd or 4th class citizens. And it's obvious that your disdain, hatred, and disgust for them says more about you than it does about them.

If she would have found intelligent people brought up in good homes standing in line wanting "their Obama bucks", you'd have reasons for your disgust that go beyond just you being a pathetic creep who has no empathy for people less fortunate than you. She didn't. You don't.
I dont see the express of disgust although I think Jackie did express that the pockets of poverty and ignorance we have in this country are disgusting in the thread about the guys from Mississippi.
No, it doesn't say anything about me. The video speaks for its self.

Grifter, Doove obviously missed my comments in that thread about the Mississippi Red Necks.
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  • 03-19-2012, 11:55 PM
The good thing is they cancel each other out at the booth (I hope)

The bad thing is they reinforce stereotypes to those that should know better.

She was on Bill Maher last Friday night and of course being the good Commie that I am , I saw it then!

Maher did commented that folks like Rush or Hannity would never show there side in a bad light as Maher did. On that point, I would have to agree with them.
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  • 03-20-2012, 05:05 AM
I dont see the express of disgust although I think Jackie did express that the pockets of poverty and ignorance we have in this country are disgusting in the thread about the guys from Mississippi. Originally Posted by Grifter
No, it doesn't say anything about me. The video speaks for its self.

Grifter, Doove obviously missed my comments in that thread about the Mississippi Red Necks. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Your posting history is pretty clear.
I consider my self a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.

I think my posting history pretty much confirms that.

I feel that Americans should be able to do pretty much what they please as long as it does not harm others and they do not ask me to pay for the consequences of their actions.
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  • 03-20-2012, 06:06 AM
I feel that Americans should be able to do pretty much what they please as long as it does not harm others and they do not ask me to pay for the consequences of their actions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Which is how it sounds when you clean it up and present it in a nice tidy little package.
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  • 03-20-2012, 08:22 AM
I consider my self a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.

I think my posting history pretty much confirms that.

I feel that Americans should be able to do pretty much what they please as long as it does not harm others and they do not ask me to pay for the consequences of their actions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I feel along those same lines.

But folks like Rush gripe about a Ms Fluke asking for something for nothing all the while he is making millions on the public airwaves. Is that not ironic? We tend to only think others are sucking at the public tit and never us. Some gripe about school vouchers , those same people never gripe about folks like me that do not have kids, paying for their kids education whether it be with public school funds or school vouchers. It is a world loaded with hypocrites.
Hell, WTF, my kids are probably older than most of the posters on this Site, and my property taxes, (schools are funded by that in Tx), never dropped one bit through the years.

Since I am now 65, I can at least get them froze, and I have the option of deferring them. But in all honesty, compared to all of the other taxes I pay, the property taxes are miniscule.

I think many are missing the jist of what Ms Pelosi was trying to convey in this series of videos. Sure, the hypocrysy is evident, it's the old "my shit don't stink" thought pattern that permiates politics. But she made special note of what seems to be a subculture of people who have no desire to do anything in their lives but take what ever handout the Govenment will give them.

Go back and listen to those people. You would almost think that it was all staged, NOBODY could actually think this. But, the fact is there is an entire group of people in this Country that fit right into the category that these people represent.

From her conversation with Bill Maher, I get the feeling that even she was shocked at the attitude that the people she interviewed displayed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Go back and listen to those people. You would almost think that it was all staged, NOBODY could actually think this. But, the fact is there is an entire group of people in this Country that fit right into the category that these people represent. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It’s an unfortunate caricature. While there is always someone who is the ‘stereotype’, those clowns in that video do an enormous disservice to the thousands of men and women of color who serve this country honorably in so many ways, but especially to those who are wear the uniform for this country.
I feel along those same lines.

But folks like Rush gripe about a Ms Fluke asking for something for nothing all the while he is making millions on the public airwaves. Is that not ironic? We tend to only think others are sucking at the public tit and never us. Some gripe about school vouchers , those same people never gripe about folks like me that do not have kids, paying for their kids education whether it be with public school funds or school vouchers. It is a world loaded with hypocrites. Originally Posted by WTF
Rush makes millions because he generates millions in revenue. She does not.
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  • 03-20-2012, 07:27 PM
Rush makes millions because he generates millions in revenue. She does not. Originally Posted by Grifter
Without her and people that hate her kind, Rush would make nothing off the public airwaves.

I have no problem with Rush and his kind, they have their views but the so called private school she attends does in fact take public money. Let them not be hypocritical and have them quit taking that money. Then the government or Ms Fluke might not have as good an arguement.

We all pay for things that we do not approve of, the church should be no different. The church is no better than Ms Flike in this regard. That has been my point. Rush is a hypocrite. Albeit a rich one!