What The Fuck Has Obama Done So Far?


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I would venture a guess that many of these "accomplishments" are the very reason many Americans will not vote for him in 2012.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That really is kind of a pathetic list. But whatever.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I would venture a guess that many of these "accomplishments" are the very reason many Americans will not vote for him in 2012. Originally Posted by Jackie S

@ COG, Your 281 reasons NOT to vote for Odumbo goes here:
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 02:11 PM
Killed Bin Laden

a task shitforbrains set out to do and quit
boardman's Avatar
It says he increased the size and scope of government. Something I am fundamentally opposed to. Big surprise...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Killed Bin Laden

a task shitforbrains set out to do and quit Originally Posted by CJ7
Yep....and he did it with all the tools left to him by old shitforbrains.

The very tools he voted against.

If you think people are going to vote for him because of that then you truly are a moron.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 02:54 PM
Yep....and he did it with all the tools left to him by old shitforbrains.

The very tools he voted against.

If you think people are going to vote for him because of that then you truly are a moron. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

too bad shitforbrains wasnt smart enough to use the tools he left behind isnt it?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2012, 03:02 PM
It says he increased the size and scope of government. Something I am fundamentally opposed to. Big surprise... Originally Posted by boardman
Ever President in your lifetime has done that.

The next one will too, no matter who it is.
I B Hankering's Avatar
too bad shitforbrains wasnt smart enough to use the tools he left behind isnt it? Originally Posted by CJ7
If Odumbo had had his way, the 'tools' wouldn't have been where they needed to be to get the job done -- those helicopters didn't fly in from Coronado.
LovingKayla's Avatar
It says he increased the size and scope of government. Something I am fundamentally opposed to. Big surprise... Originally Posted by boardman

They are passing that off as a good thing? W T F?

Do any of you survive on here on MEDICAID? Be honest. I have a reason for the question and it's not what you think. Are any of you bedridden on medicaid to survive?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Medicaid is that last gasp safety net for those that have absolutely nothing. I find it amazing what they will do if you have nothing but it also depends on the state in which you live as Medicaid is basically a state run operation subsidized by the federal government.

Let me see he made sure that more people are now on food stamps than ever before.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Medicaid is that last gasp safety net for those that have absolutely nothing. I find it amazing what they will do if you have nothing but it also depends on the state in which you live as Medicaid is basically a state run operation subsidized by the federal government.

Let me see he made sure that more people are now on food stamps than ever before. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Wrong on both counts, but who's counting...
LovingKayla's Avatar
Wrong on both counts, but who's counting... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

You apparently just did. And he's not wrong.

Tomorrow when I have an actual computer I will fill you in on some very personal stories. I have grotesque intimate knowledge of this topic that, quite literally, none of you could probably match.

No I am not on medicaid, nor my children take one flat nickel from government health programs but..... Well, it's a long, horrible, miserable story that I will write properly tomorrow.

This is one of those things where I actually know 150% of what I'm saying. You have no chance with me on this.
Medicaid is that last gasp safety net for those that have absolutely nothing. I find it amazing what they will do if you have nothing but it also depends on the state in which you live as Medicaid is basically a state run operation subsidized by the federal government.

Let me see he made sure that more people are now on food stamps than ever before. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Medicaid was passed in '03 by you know who,with no funding.Kansas has passed a law if you use it the state will tap the estate when you die for all they can get to recoup their loss.