GOP reloads the gun

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 04:04 PM


you talk about social issues AFTER an election, not before

apparently the crew didnt shoot themselves in the head enough with their BC BS or piss off enough women. Lucky for them they still had a venue that almost insures they'll lose to Obe.

joe bloe's Avatar


you talk about social issues AFTER an election, not before

apparently the crew didnt shoot themselves in the head enough with their BC BS or piss off enough women. Lucky for them they still had a venue that almost insures they'll lose to Obe.

VERY GOOD Originally Posted by CJ7

The economy isn't a social issue.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 05:40 PM

The economy isn't a social issue. Originally Posted by joe bloe


from the article

The proposed changes to Medicare differ from what Ryan had outlined last year, drawing instead on a proposal he co-authored with Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon that would provide future seniors with a fixed amount of money they could use to purchase either a traditional Medicare-like healthcare plan or a privately run option.

Democratic attacks on the Ryan plan have focused on the Medicare overhaul, saying his initial plan would essentially end the entitlement program. On Tuesday, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said the new plan "again fails the test of balance, fairness, and shared responsibility.
Guest123018-4's Avatar

Did you forget that Obmaacare takes from Medicare in order to fund Obamacare. Who drove the first nail in that coffin?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 06:03 PM

Did you forget that Obmaacare takes from Medicare in order to fund Obamacare. Who drove the first nail in that coffin? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

joe bloe's Avatar

from the article

The proposed changes to Medicare differ from what Ryan had outlined last year, drawing instead on a proposal he co-authored with Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon that would provide future seniors with a fixed amount of money they could use to purchase either a traditional Medicare-like healthcare plan or a privately run option.

Democratic attacks on the Ryan plan have focused on the Medicare overhaul, saying his initial plan would essentially end the entitlement program. On Tuesday, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said the new plan "again fails the test of balance, fairness, and shared responsibility. Originally Posted by CJ7


Sometimes I don't read the articles posted by lefties. They're sort of predictable. I probably wouldn't read articles posted on astrology or phrenology either.

Since we're on the subject of health care and politics, any thoughts on the revised numbers on the cost of Obamacare. The CBO revised the ten year estimates from 940 billion to 1.76 trillion. That's almost double. I'm pretty sure if the more realistic numbers had been used two years ago, this horrible legislation would not have passed.

I remember when the CBO released the 940 billion figure; they qualified it by saying it was based on numbers provided by the Democrats. I knew then that the estimate was rigged.

Initial cost estimates for social welfare programs are ALWAYS ridiculously low. There's an audio tape on the net of LBJ and Ted Kennedy talking about the fact that the cost of the new Medicare program would double after the first year. Johnson was pissed that some other Democrat senator was expressing concern. Johnson wanted him to shut the hell up, or words to that effect.

Nothing ever changes.
  • Laz
  • 03-20-2012, 08:01 PM
If Ryan's plan is unacceptable then have the senate pass a budget so they can reconcile the two. Obama is not even trying to solve the problems so push the senate to pass a budget. They are obligated to do it so complain about that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
psssssstttt, have you heard that Obama care is going to cost almost twice as much as they said? pssssssttt, have you heard that the United States is broke? pssssttttt, have you seen that the Obama budget is going to have over a trillion dollar deficit built in?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2012, 02:06 AM
you boys sure know how to stray away from the toipc ... lol

cant blame you. It must be a bitch watching the repub candidates shred each other and let the voters in on what morons they really are. They pissed off the women voters with their holier than thou BC tripe, now theyre doing the unheard of .. social issues will be the death of them not only in the presidential election but congress as well. Ask the last president how his political capital worked out for him.They are clueless from the campaign platform standpoint ... their own worst enemy.

and just for you JLSD, you keep moaning about the US being broke, the budget, etc


Santorum's economic plan exceeds Obamas #'s and reaches well over 100%
Romney, the lesser of the evil does the same and comes in at 96%

given the fact (as you say) we are broke who do you intend to vote for? Surely not a republican since youre so fiscally aware ...

and no more Prof, which was a compliment not a jab, ok Teach?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I see some posters have a hard time speaking for themselves and like to post links rather than express themselves.
The idea that diverting funds from future budgets to fund future spending programs is just semantics. Is this based in the anticipation that by the time the needed Medicare spending comes about we will be in the time frame of Obamacare where decisions will be made that you are too old to receive that expensive of a treatment? Instead of a hip you get a pill.

If the other side was taking future money from a program that has anticipated cost increase the left would be screaming bloody murder. Try using your brain to reason things out rather than following the sheep.
joe bloe's Avatar
psssssstttt, have you heard that Obama care is going to cost almost twice as much as they said? pssssssttt, have you heard that the United States is broke? pssssttttt, have you seen that the Obama budget is going to have over a trillion dollar deficit built in? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
AF Freakin posted that debt doesn't matter. I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that!
joe bloe's Avatar
If Ryan's plan is unacceptable then have the senate pass a budget so they can reconcile the two. Obama is not even trying to solve the problems so push the senate to pass a budget. They are obligated to do it so complain about that. Originally Posted by Laz
Obama actually proposed a budget. Harry Reed wouldn't allow it to come up for a vote. Democrats are not even pretending to be fiscally responsible anymore.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It appears that the Senate Democrats are the obstructionists.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2012, 12:05 PM
I see some posters have a hard time speaking for themselves and like to post links rather than express themselves.
The idea that diverting funds from future budgets to fund future spending programs is just semantics. Is this based in the anticipation that by the time the needed Medicare spending comes about we will be in the time frame of Obamacare where decisions will be made that you are too old to receive that expensive of a treatment? Instead of a hip you get a pill.

If the other side was taking future money from a program that has anticipated cost increase the left would be screaming bloody murder. Try using your brain to reason things out rather than following the sheep. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

still waaaaay off topic huh?

lemme lay it out for you

dont post a link, dipshits ask for a link ... post a link, dipshits relate that to not expressing ones self.. that link pretty much made you look like a sheeple talking point didnt it?

funds from medicare is totally moot in THIS election because that wont happen for 10 years, if then ... see the link.. lol

any road, the gop is pissing in their "kool aid" and the 2dogs of the world follow the sheep making vapid excuses for them.