Rate information

I'm noticing that rate information isn't included in provider showcases at the moment. Has this been completely eliminated?
Cholula's Avatar
I had noticed the same thing, sent a pm inquiring... I assumed I did something wrong.
Mojojo's Avatar
I've checked the situation room and its being worked on folks. We apologies for any inconvenience this might be causing.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Mojojo's Avatar
Thank you Ms. Fancy
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Any updates?
Mojojo's Avatar
They are back on sir..
bullet0's Avatar
They are back on sir.. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I'm still not seeing any rates. I tried logging out and back in but still no rates.
Mojojo's Avatar
Hmm... they were up as of this afternoon, I'll check and see if there are any new development.
seeker7's Avatar
Still not there as of 3/28/2012.
Captain Noc's Avatar
This is really inconvenient!!! So now, when a provider runs a special, we can't see it. And like most providers, they don't want to discuss it on the phone or emails.

Come on guys, this is simple stuff to program, being a programmer myself! What is really going on here?
johnny_boiii's Avatar
Bump. Updates?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-29-2012, 05:14 PM
Yeah this is annoying. I think there is more to it than we were told.
bullet0's Avatar
There are at least three other threads about this.






Post 13 in the latter has the best explanation I've seen so far. But the info is getting kind of stale.
Mojojo's Avatar

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=408260 Originally Posted by bullet0

We understand the frustration, trust me we do

FWIW I've been checking the situation room daily but since it's more of a technical issue I think the best answers and updates will be found on that section, more specifically that thread. However rest assured that when we know something we will relay it over here to you guys.

Sorry if this isn't what you guys expected to hear but it's the only recent news we have on it.