To the businesses who put commercials on youtube, etc

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
To those businesses who put commercials on youtube,, and many other sites, all I have to say is 'fuck you'.

You are wasting your time and money..........every time I try to watch a video on youtube and I have to wait........10..9..8..7..6..5. .4..3..2..1 until I can x out your commercial, it pisses me off. I don't pay any attention to your shit and x out as quick as possible.

Tonight I tried to read some stuff on and some ad came up with music that I could not turn off. Bullshit ads.

A big waste of time and money.

Venting done.
If you have Firefox, try using Adblock, it works wonders for me. Except I have to push play instead of it autoplaying, but it skips all the commercials.
adblock plus is available for chrome too
and if using firefox, noscript is nice to have.