Just a Quick, Simple Question about the website name

I've recently been told that I have known these forums by a different pronunciation.

What is the correct pronunciation for ECCIE? Is it Essy, or Ekky, or something completely different? I've been thinking of it as Essy but a provider I saw recently said that it was pronounced Ekky so I was just curious which was correct.
It's pronounced Ekky...........sounds just like "Techie"

St. C
It's pronounced Ekky...........sounds just like "Techie"

St. C Originally Posted by St.Christopher
And now I know. Thanks.
gman44's Avatar
Yes, that is the correct pronunciation

but how I look at it is its an acronym not a word but just like other acronyms they pronounce them like words such as NAFTA and SCUBA since they're spelled like words

and the 2 c's in eccie are hard c's ex:compromise as opposed to soft c's ex:cider they're pronounced as hard c's in the word
...and that's why they call him geniusman.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
....and the 2 c's in eccie are hard c's...as opposed to soft c's... Originally Posted by geniusman
Just what we girls like - hard c's.
Just what we girls like - hard c's. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Well I prefer C's to be nice and soft. The same that I like my A's, B's, D's, Double D's, and above.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Funny how people drift into their own little worlds.

Hard is good here.

. . . But, soft is good there.

The soft will be soft long after the hard is no longer hard.