Favorite Movie Quotes?

Here's a thread we're having a lot of fun with right now in Arkansas...


What are some of your favorite movie quotes, Mississippi?
This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass. -The big Lebowski
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
"Never trust a man with no eyes." Paul Newman in "Cool Hand Luke" about the guard with silvered sunglasses and a shotgun.

Brer Rabbit's Avatar
(1) "is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" Attributed to Mae West, not sure if she ever said it in a movie.

(2) Just about anything said by Lili Von Shtupp (Madeline Kahn) in Blazing Saddles, including her variation on above:

"Hello handsome, is that a 10 gallon hat or are you just enjoying the show?"
"You know how to whistle, don't you Steve? You just put your lips together and BLOW" To Have and Have Not- Lauren Bacall (Marie 'Slim' Browning) to Humphrey Bogart (Harry 'Steve' Morgan)
Another.... From "The Lion in Winter"
Eleanor: What would you have me do? Give out? Give up? Give in?
Henry II: Give me a little peace.
Eleanor: A little? Why so modest? How about eternal peace? Now there's a thought.
Gotta love THAT!
DallasRain's Avatar

Betelgeuse: Because if I tell you, you'll tell your friends, your friends are callin' me on the horn all the time, I gotta show up at shopping centers for openings and sign autographs and shit like that and it makes my life a *hell*. Okay? A living hell.

That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I keep getting older, they stay the same age.
- Matthew McConaughey as David Wooderson, in “Dazed and Confused”

I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?
- Robert De Niro as Jack Byrnes, in “Meet the Parents”

Get away fom me, you hairy Ape!
- Susan Hayward as Mildred Douglas, in “The Hairy Ape”

Do I make you horny? Randy? Do I make you horny, baby, yeah, do I?
- Mike Myers as Austin Powers, in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery”

Shall we shag now, or shall we shag later?
- Mike Myers as Austin Powers, in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery”
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

"Germans?" "Forget it, he's rolling."

"Leave the gun, take the cannoli's."

"Coffee is for closers."

"Funny how?"

"Did you say yoot?'

"220, 221. Whatever it takes."

"Gunga Lagunga".

"Are you serious Clark?"

"I don't believe in quantum physics when it comes to affairs of the heart."


"You think you used enough dynamite there Butch?"

"You can fuck me in the ass. You can cum on my face. Just keep it out of my hair. I just washed it." (sorry no clip) -Leaving Las Vegas.

"Get busy living or get busy dying."

"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!"

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"You are a sad, strange little man and you have my pity."

"That's my boat."

"Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?"

"Franks and beans!"

Just to name a few....
dakoda2727's Avatar
I would have to go with "I can eat a peach for hours!!" from Face Off. and oh yes I can lol
"Say hello to my little friend!"
Al Pacino, Scarface
DallasRain's Avatar
Squel like a pig.......lol...ughhhhhhhhhhhh hhh
vicinms's Avatar
Do you feel lucky, punk?

There are two types of people in this world - those with guns and those who dig!

Dying ain't much of a living boy!