Thorough, I'm certain there may be some ladies that attempt to do exactly as you've outlined, and some may even do so successfully. However, your statements are conjecture and assumptions, and the opposite is true in most prosecutions. LE and DA's weren't born yesterday, and most ladies "man up" and take responsibility better than many men in the endeavor, who look for any excuse not to own their behavior.
A couple of very high profile cases come to mind, both where the lady had a "pimp", both culminating in the lady dong more time than the (supposed) "trafficker" (one using a government computer comes to mind, which I am sure many here will remember). Your assumption is rooted in the popular culture and what we see in the media, but not in the reality of how I (and others) have seen the system work first hand.
I've ran clean and avoided an issue with LE my entire career (knock wood), but, as a trusted Escort in KC with many connections, I've attended many an appointment with a lady now and then to several local attorneys. I don't have the same view that you do - looking from my seat, which may admittedly be closer to the 50 yard line than your own.
But, I do and can appreciate how you came to form your opinion.
- Jackie
Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Just some ladies, huh? It's a cop-out, an excuse, and it's allowed by the LE and the prosecutors because they want the sensational, headlining conviction more than they want real justice - same occurs when two people who commit a robbery/homicide get different sentences because one flips and turns state's evidence. It just so happens, that in prostitution cases, the "pimp" has no chance of flipping unless the "pimp" is a female,
and unless there are high-profile clients involved. And in the cases that you would mention, I believe that the sentencing was based on one party having a clean record and no prior convictions....
Most trafficking, by definition, involves moving or trafficking a female to someplace that is foreign to her in order to increase her dependence upon the pimp. These ladies were from fucking Blue Springs.... If you can't find your way from Lenexa to Blue Springs, then.....
As far as who man's up and takes the biggest lumps, who really gives a shit? It's like arguing about which is smellier: The brown part of the turd or the green part..... A pimp/husband/manager is a piece of shit... Did someone expect him to man up and say "Yeah, Your Honor, I did it". Does anyone expect a female involved in this most honorable profession, with its lies and - er - fantasies, to just revert to pre-ho honesty when faced with jail time? Not likely, but the system is designed, and inclined, to believe the "I'm a victim" bullshit line, on the part of the female, of a willing participant, just like the aforementioned robbery/homicide example.
I too am a trusted confidant to many ladies of the night and females or ill repute and have accompanied them to various doctor's appointments, meetings with attorneys, PTA meetings, parole board hearings, readings from psychics, seances with Druid priests, and hotel visitations. I donate frequently to the Save-A-Ho Foundation, and I'm on the National Board of 1-800-Ho-NO-Mo. I too can spout off some credentials meant to bolster my credibility, but it doesn't change the basis of the argument or the facts. So our respective views are both arguable....
You can't base your argument against the rule, on the "exception" to the rule. One or two high profile cases.... Ok. Both of the involved , male and female, are equally at fault and should be equally liable, unless the slime-ball is truly a trafficker ala kidnapping and force, in which case he should be masturbated daily with an oven mitt crusted with broken glass and rock salt and forced to be Tier 7's Bitch for the duration of his imprisonment. If the basis of my opinions being conjecture and assumptions is "because you said so", then, yours are equally so.....
Pulls and Tugs,