I saw this on, and I vaguely recall this from last year, or maybe the year before. I've heard Chris Madrid's thrown around a lot for best burger, (RIP Chris) but what is everyone's personal favorite? I'm a burger-fiend myself, but I have cut back drastically with my resolve to lose weight, and get in shape. It's no fun now, but will pay huge dividends in the future I hope!
I like Porky's (they're not on the list) for a decently-priced, greasy, old-fashioned hamburger, and EZ's always has a nostalgic place in my heart because I've been going there since I was little. What is everyone's favorite, and which would vote for?
Oh and to end the post on a good note, I give you gratuitous photos of sexy women eating burgers, and errr...fat dudes eating hamburgers. Sorry ladies; the market for photos of hunky men chowing down on fatty goodness is (not surprisingly) very limited! I guess I'll have to photograph myself at these restaurants to supply the internet....