Things "The Most Interesting Man In the World..."

Randy4Candy's Avatar
...might do if there weren't FCC regulations regarding "racy" content.

We've all seen them, we've all heard them - the expolits of DosXX's "Most Interesting Man in the World." Some are pretty clever, most are sort of forced.

BUT!!! taa-daaaa! We have a cure for that right here on Eccie. Put on your thinking caps, get your perv swerve on and fly that freak flag high! What are the REAL exploits of "The Most Interesting Man in the World?" Unfettered by conventions, political correctness, or even "good taste," let us read your ideas of what astounding and even semi-speakable acts our hero has done to truly be "The Most Interesting Man in the World."

For format's sake, here is one of the actual things I lifted from the commercial I just heard:

"When he dances with wolves, it's usuallly the tango"

My stabs at it:

"He has never 'stepped in it' - even in a feed lot"

"The women who carry his children never get stretch marks"

"His touch to a woman's breast is **pause** uplifting"
TexasDave555's Avatar
Hes so good in bed, the escorts pay him.

Hes so talented, the men who scheduled after him bust a nut before getting in the car to drive to the in call.

He's such a stud.. if he was real his handle would be BBL (Sarcasm)

His skills are unmatched, he has 50 reviews to prove it.

He spins 2 BBW's without breaking a sweat.

Condoms roll themselves on.

He can apply his own condom without using his hands.

Providers blow HIS phone up.

Providers come out of retirement to see him.

Pimped Branded women remove their pimps names from their crown tats and put his name on it.

Women sell his spunk by the ounce as an orgasm enhancer.

CBJ Providers guzzle his DNA by the gallon.

You read his reviews and KNOW YMWillV.

He's the most interesting John in the world......
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Any woman he sees becomes the "Rule of 100" - according to everyone

Any woman he's with joins the "Mile High Club" - without either an airplane OR a pharmacist

If he's the first liar - he has more than a chance

He doesn't part his hair with his tongue - he washes it

Too funny! Sound like some of the tables would be turned if TexasDave and Randy4Candy runs ECCIE.... the Super men of the "Hobby World"....the DosXXX!!!! lol, I love that commercial BTW.