does any of your friends or family know you hobby?

pickupkid's Avatar
did your life change when they found out?
No and so, no again.
biomed1's Avatar
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Be Careful & Enjoy!

Okay, I'll 'member' of family knows(so to speak). That's 'bout it! My DICK knows. LMAO!
I have some close friends who know, but they are involved in the fetish lifestyle. My aunt knows what I do simply b/c I don't want to turn up missing and noone know what was going on. I was raised in a very liberal family.. We say "to each his own"
None of my family knows. My SO knows. My close girl friends know. But I do not openly really discuss it around many.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
My close friends and family are aware. They dont all approve, but they understand and support me in what I choose to do with my life.
BustyShelly's Avatar
Every adult in my family knows and sometimes I have to remind them no one is perfect (without pointing fingers, but I do give that look!) My childhood was not stable or safe so they know I am happy now and that's what really matters! No one has the right to judge when they have no clue what you've been through.
I've asked some clients this question and the answers range from 'other hobbyists know' ( from get-togethers and meet and greets) to 'no, no one else knows'.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I tell anyone I live with, and I only live with people I know will be cool with it. My current roommate couldn't care less and actually acts as my safe call which is nice, because I don't have to bug another provider! I have a few friends who know, one found me on accident (reading TER for his own purposes hahahah...) and a few others I've told. The number of people who know though, I can count on one hand.

I tried to hide it once, the person found out, stole a lot of money and ran back to our hometown, and that was that. In the end karma got him (stealing the money, losing all of his lifelong friends, etc caused his life to downward spiral) and he's rotting in jail for something like 3-5 but my lesson was learned: honesty pays. If the person I'm living with isn't cool with what I do, I probably shouldn't be living with them or associated with them in the first place.

Honestly, for the most part I just don't have friends anymore. It's hard to make friends when you have to hide/lie about something as basic as your job until you're sure they won't freak out over it.
I tell anyone I live with, and I only live with people I know will be cool with it. My current roommate couldn't care less and actually acts as my safe call which is nice, because I don't have to bug another provider! I have a few friends who know, one found me on accident (reading TER for his own purposes hahahah...) and a few others I've told. The number of people who know though, I can count on one hand.

I tried to hide it once, the person found out, stole a lot of money and ran back to our hometown, and that was that. In the end karma got him (stealing the money, losing all of his lifelong friends, etc caused his life to downward spiral) and he's rotting in jail for something like 3-5 but my lesson was learned: honesty pays. If the person I'm living with isn't cool with what I do, I probably shouldn't be living with them or associated with them in the first place.

Honestly, for the most part I just don't have friends anymore. It's hard to make friends when you have to hide/lie about something as basic as your job until you're sure they won't freak out over it. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa

Missy...the part about 'having friends' speaks volumes to me because it's hard to keep it a secret, and in the past, when I made the mistake of revealing what I did, I KNOW these people placed judgement on me or started avoiding me. Of course, with 'friends like those' who needs enemies. A true friend would never judge. But inevitably because society has such deeply-ingrained notions of prostitution and all that, even my most liberal friends can't help but make snide comments or roll their eyes whenever the topic comes up. The few good friends I do have...I have chosen not to let one know, and the other two friends, like sisters to me, are also providers. Only another provider can know what a provider goes through on a day to day basis. My neighbors and other relatives don't know. Thankfully I do have another job to 'cover my bases' but I often wonder if people find my lifestyle believable and in sync with the income of a part-time trainer. I've had people say " Well if you work part-time how can you afford to buy that house...etc..." To which I say " Oh I'm smart about my!"

But travelling entails a whole new level of secrecy. Especially when you're at the hotel. You have to be really private and discreet.
Sexy Latina Vanessa's Avatar
No, none of my family know, my brother is very religious. He goes to church 4 times a week.
My dad and step mother "know" [They have their assumptions but I don't confirm it as they are liable to freak out.] One or two of my friends do and they couldn't care less. The rest of my friends will never find out. They're all judgmental.
cumalot's Avatar
Nobody I that I know knows...