It's been a very tough week for his holiness.........

1. Bipartisanship isn't dead. By an overwhelming vote (414-0), the House of Representives repudiated Obama's budget! That's right, not one Democrat supported Obama and his trillions in wasteful spending and debt extravagance !!

2. Perry beat Obama. Democrats chorttled over Governor Perry's lapse in remembering the EPA as one of the federal agencies he wants shut. But Perry gets the last laugh. This week the 5th Circuit Court (siding with Gov. Perry) oblitereated a 2010 EPA ruling that disapproved Texas's program to meet national air quality standards. Team Obama was bitched slapped by the courts over this one.

3. The Obama Team failed miserably (at SCOTUS) in it's attempt to spin Obamacare as constitutional; especially embarassing was it's own defense of the Obama mandate. Justice Ginsburg was practically begging the Solicitor General to offer up reasonable limits to the slippery slope that is Obamacare ! But the indefensible is indefensible.

This week's list of Obama embarassments is alot longer; but these were the highlights.

joe bloe's Avatar
I'm savoring the moment. Obama's Solicitor General made the argument before the Supreme Court this week that the health insurance mandate is constitutional. Four years ago Obama was competing against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. Hillary was running on her version of national healthcare. Her plan required funding health care by mandates. Obama agressively campaigned against her plan, specifically criticizing using mandates; he mocked the idea of mandates as being ridiculous.

Obama's attack on mandates occurs at 45 seconds into the attached video.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Man after 3 years of this guy it's about time.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Down goes Frazier!
waverunner234's Avatar
Doesn't bode well for your future guys,
Santorum is a loser (thank god), his head knows it, his ego won't admit it, Gingrich is just a sore loser, Paul won't get it and Romney is not much different from Obama.
The choice is all yours

I wish you alL .................HAPPY VOTING


I'll just sit back in my black leather swivel chair, watch it all and I just hope that I won't die from laughing so hard.
If the Obamazombies best counter punches are "loser", "sore loser" and "Romney is Obama", then I am feeling giddy about November 2012.

BTW, either way the SOCTUS rules on Obama mandate it is a win-win for Romney.

Doesn't bode well for your future guys,
Santorum is a loser (thank god), his head knows it, his ego won't admit it, Gingrich is just a sore loser, Paul won't get it and Romney is not much different from Obama.
The choice is all yours

I wish you alL .................HAPPY VOTING


I'll just sit back in my black leather swivel chair, watch it all and I just hope that I won't die from laughing so hard. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Note how WavyGravy ignores Obama's failures....he can't even defend them...just like the Solicitor General couldn't defend Obamacare.

Amazing. The repukes express joy that we have no budget agreement. The house version is dead on arrival in the senate.

While I tend to agree that the healthcare mandate is problematic, anybody that thinks that the tenor of the questions that are asked during oral argument in any way accurately predicts the outcome of a SCOTUS decision isn't familiar with the history of the Court. Assuming that the mandate fails, the real issue becomes how will the Court treat the rest of the law?

Additionally, anybody that thinks that the decision by SCOTUS is going to have any significant impact, one way or the other, on the general election is living in a fantasy world. Best estimates are that the opinion will be handed down in June. Five months later, it will be dim memory for the electorate.

Whirlygig, you can afford to be giddy now. Your candidate isn't yet staring down the barrel of the Obama relection machine. I appreciate optimism. Good for you. But, the idea that any of this crap you've posted up swings things your way is a dream.

If anything, the biggest problem for either party that is going to come out of the budget issues is what's being promulgated by the repukes. Ending Medicare, turning Medicaid into a grant program and cutting its funding which, of course, makes it more difficult for the elderly, the poor, the disabled to achieve access to health care.

And, of course.....cutting taxes for the richest Americans.

It really is unbelievable that they think that any consitiuency besides rich people are going to get behind this....because they won't. Good luck with it.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I reluctantly agree with Tip. Our choices suck. SUCK.

As long as there is not a Muslim in the white house. Man I didn't ever think I'd be saying that.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
To be honest I don't think the entire initiative is going to be thrown out. And, even if it does Obama and his staff will come back with an alternative plan. I'd imagine something that doesn't require all people having to buy insurance or some other wee change in that order.
waverunner234's Avatar
Note how WavyGravy ignores Obama's failures....he can't even defend them...just like the Solicitor General couldn't defend Obamacare.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why for gods sake would I defend Obama? He would never be my choice.
Nor would Romney.

Maybe Obama is the least bad of even worse choices that's all. Or maybe Romney is the least bad?
Af-Freakin's Avatar
I reluctantly agree with Tip. Our choices suck. SUCK.

As long as there is not a Muslim in the white house. Man I didn't ever think I'd be saying that. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
muslim? LOL! u a birther 2? LOL! President Obama was raised muslim but converted 2 christianity under the training of Reverend Wright. u teanut crackers need 2 get outta the trailer park more. LOL!
The house passed the Ryan budget (right after voting down Obumbo's budget). The House budget deals with reforming Medicare to save it; you are iving in the past if you think Mediscare will work in 2012; it hasn't worked in the past several election cycles.......Medicare reformers won overwhelmingly in special elections as well as the 2010 election. Americans - of ALL ages - know somthing has to be done to reform Medicare.................

It is the Democrat Senate that relish the idea of a massive Federal Government WITHOUT A BUDGET !

The Republicans have been trying to pass a budget for four years; the DEMOCRATS WON'T PASS A BUDGET ...

Amazing. The repukes express joy that we have no budget agreement. The house version is dead on arrival in the senate.

While I tend to agree that the healthcare mandate is problematic, anybody that thinks that the tenor of the questions that are asked during oral argument in any way accurately predicts the outcome of a SCOTUS decision isn't familiar with the history of the Court. Assuming that the mandate fails, the real issue becomes how will the Court treat the rest of the law?

Additionally, anybody that thinks that the decision by SCOTUS is going to have any significant impact, one way or the other, on the general election is living in a fantasy world. Best estimates are that the opinion will be handed down in June. Five months later, it will be dim memory for the electorate.

Whirlygig, you can afford to be giddy now. Your candidate isn't yet staring down the barrel of the Obama relection machine. I appreciate optimism. Good for you. But, the idea that any of this crap you've posted up swings things your way is a dream.

If anything, the biggest problem for either party that is going to come out of the budget issues is what's being promulgated by the repukes. Ending Medicare, turning Medicaid into a grant program and cutting its funding which, of course, makes it more difficult for the elderly, the poor, the disabled to achieve access to health care.

And, of course.....cutting taxes for the richest Americans.

It really is unbelievable that they think that any consitiuency besides rich people are going to get behind this....because they won't. Good luck with it. Originally Posted by timpage
Keep up the Good Work AF..........love your posts !

muslim? LOL! u a birther 2? LOL! President Obama was raised muslim but converted 2 christianity under the training of Reverend Wright. u teanut crackers need 2 get outta the trailer park more. LOL! Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I voted for Obama because I thought he'd finally be a "Leftist/Liberal" president. Sadly, he is more right of center these days. For me he is by "far" the least worrisome of all the choices;-)