killeen I MISS YOU (:

ive been on tour for about two weeks on the east coast & midwest . . i must say i REALLY feel homesick lol . ill be back home soon ! cant wait to meet some of you & see some of my old buddys (; BUT on another note whats new ? talk to me ill talk back


elhomeboy76's Avatar
I heard u were up in chi town how can u miss Killeen?
chi town is wackk . the police are super hot out here . i just got out of jail this morning :/
Buckskin's Avatar
elhomeboy76's Avatar
Damn that sucks!! Well now I understand why u miss Killeen!!!
lol righttt ! idk , ever since ive been in killeen ive always felt safe . ive ran into some weirdos but never had any issues that made me feel unsafe working there . plus guys out here are kind of ghetto -___-