Still Looking's Avatar
In the last few months some ass wipe has used my identity to get past screening. He will give references of the last 2-3 providers I've seen. Then when the new provider checks of course he passes with flying colors. In some cases he is OT even screened. 100+ reviews gives off a very high comfort level it would seem.

At the risk of sharing some of my secrets.... I always bring a provider a personal gift that only she and I know about. Not something one might get every day. This accomplishes two things. One I separate myself from other hobbyists so when I give her out as a reference, I say mention "this". Bingo, she knows exactly who I am. Plus I like to bring some candy as well. I mean who doesn't like candy? Then there is the highly sought after T-Shirts that have grown in popularity. LOL (Well among the ladies anyway!)

So ladies be careful out there. I don't mind giving references nobody should. And anyone who is offended about having to give reference... pass on their ass! And if they claim to be some bad ass ECCIE stick man, send them a PM. Make sure they respond. Remember safety first!

Oh and if all that fails and a guys shows up without a T-Shirt claiming to be me? Hit them in the head with a shoe and run.

Note to self: Don't run out of T-Shirts!
shorty's Avatar
In the last few months some ass wipe has used my identity to get past screening. He will give references of the last 2-3 providers I've seen. Then when the new provider checks of course he passes with flying colors. In some cases he is OT even screened. 100+ reviews gives off a very high comfort level it would seem.

At the risk of sharing some of my secrets.... I always bring a provider a personal gift that only she and I know about. Not something one might get every day. This accomplishes two things. One I separate myself from other hobbyists so when I give her out as a reference, I say mention "this". Bingo, she knows exactly who I am. Plus I like to bring some candy as well. I mean who doesn't like candy? Then there is the highly sought after T-Shirts that have grown in popularity. LOL (Well among the ladies anyway!)

So ladies be careful out there. I don't mind giving references nobody should. And anyone who is offended about having to give reference... pass on their ass! And if they claim to be some bad ass ECCIE stick man, send them a PM. Make sure they respond. Remember safety first!

Oh and if all that fails and a guys shows up without a T-Shirt claiming to be me? Hit them in the head with a shoe and run.

Note to self: Don't run out of T-Shirts! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Yes, giving gifts really helps in providers remembering you. Usually my gifts are alittle usual (i.e. Flowers, Perfume, Carton of Cigarettes, and Toys R Us Gift Card) but most ladies like them because its something they can use. I hear cherry favored candy works pretty good in DATY and BBBJ!
pickupkid's Avatar
I too try to give some kind signature move that only I do/
pyramider's Avatar
It would help if the provider required a PM from your icky handle.
It would help if the provider required a PM from your icky handle. Originally Posted by pyramider
Exactly, I always tell the new providers that anyone can call/email and say they are a certain hobbyist, require them to pm you and/or check their p411 info.
I always require the gentleman to PM from the screen-name if they mention they are a member of Eccie. You can never be too careful, I would hate to know some guy I see is riding off the coattails of another man's "hard" earned reputation.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I always require the gentleman to PM from the screen-name if they mention they are a member of Eccie. You can never be too careful, I would hate to know some guy I see is riding off the coattails of another man's "hard" earned reputation. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Yes, absolutely ladies need to require a PM from that handle they claim to be. And not just from Eccie, from any board out there.

As SL illustrates, anyone can "claim" to be anyone. There have been sporadic reports of this happening over the years and the session inevitably turns out badly. Some long time very reputable members reputations have been tarnished, on both sides, for lack of a simple positive identification.
pickupkid's Avatar
And of course Newbies..get references be careful
If anyone wants to falsely claim to be me...good luck. I normally get the silent treatment. lol

But, ladies, seriously. Require an ECCIE pm or require me to set an appt. through P411.
Great post, SL!
Great post, SL!
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
FUCK SL...(literally)
Elle, where is
FUCK SL...(literally)
Elle, where is Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
PM sent.
I don't have to give gifts. After what most of these girls see, I am the fucking gift.
  • Paven
  • 04-03-2012, 07:29 AM
It would help if the provider required a PM from your icky handle. Originally Posted by pyramider
I require this as well but when you're first starting out there is no "How to be a hooker and stay safe" handbook so it's part of the learning process. It sucks that guys pull that kind of shiat but there are a lot of slicksters out there. Not trying to meet those knuckleheads!
In the last few months some ass wipe has used my identity to get past screening. He will give references of the last 2-3 providers I've seen. Then when the new provider checks of course he passes with flying colors. In some cases he is OT even screened. 100+ reviews gives off a very high comfort level it would seem.

At the risk of sharing some of my secrets.... I always bring a provider a personal gift that only she and I know about. Not something one might get every day. This accomplishes two things. One I separate myself from other hobbyists so when I give her out as a reference, I say mention "this". Bingo, she knows exactly who I am. Plus I like to bring some candy as well. I mean who doesn't like candy? Then there is the highly sought after T-Shirts that have grown in popularity. LOL (Well among the ladies anyway!)

So ladies be careful out there. I don't mind giving references nobody should. And anyone who is offended about having to give reference... pass on their ass! And if they claim to be some bad ass ECCIE stick man, send them a PM. Make sure they respond. Remember safety first!

Oh and if all that fails and a guys shows up without a T-Shirt claiming to be me? Hit them in the head with a shoe and run.

Note to self: Don't run out of T-Shirts!

Originally Posted by Still Looking

Oh yes the personal gift, mine sits on a shelf in plain view :P

You didn't bring me any candy was that guy in the big t shirt not you? LOL

In and Out Burger=love.