Make up sex with a provider

I recently was given a NC/NS by a well reviewed provider. Having been in the hobby for some time I have become immune to this behavior and consider it part of the process. In my earlier days I would have created and received drama. What I did not expect was a call,an apoligy,and no excuses. On top of that she made me an offer I could not refuse. It sure did get my attention and increased my opinion of providers. I am not a white knight, but I truly believe that what they do deserves praise and thanks. I have not booked the date,and was wondering about your experiences,good and bad. This is for providers and hobbiests to answer. I will let you knot the outcome of my make up sex.
I have yet to cash in on my make up sex date with a we'll known provider in Vegas. I did remind her about it and she text me that she did remember. Just need to get my butt to Vegas to cash in. I think some providers with well earn reputations care enough about their we'll earn reputation that they will make up for bad situations.
ive NEVER done a ncns.. but i have had to cancel due to uncontrollable circumstances.. still even though i canceled.. i felt bad.. and made it up to them in different ways.

Glad she represented. Its nice to read stories like this instead of just the mean ones.
Never been NCNS yet. Did have one cancel 30 minutes prior to. It was made up to me.
I've had a very few NCNS and they are very aggrevating. I am OK with a cancellation because life happens and some things can't be controlled. I appreciate a lady letting me know she has to cancel, that way I don't waste my time trying to contact her and expecting a good time and I can sometimes make other plans. If a lady calls because she has to cancel I consider her to be very courteous and there's no harm no foul. If she is willing to make it up to me then she just moved way up the respect ladder. I would imagine guys hate NCNSs as much as the ladies hate them, but like I said life happens and a little courtesy goes a long way with me. Just my .02 worth.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-09-2012, 11:41 AM
I don't think this is any different than good business practice and good interpersonal skills.

Things happen, especially with single moms with young kids. It has happened to me more than once that a young lady had something unforeseen pop up that resulted in a missed date.

Those that NC/NS were usually never heard from again (by me). Those who did C/NS usually did make it up in some way, though usually I told them it wasn't necessary. I certainly did appreciate the little extras--just as I make sure I do something extra for them when I have to postpone or cancel because the real world interferes.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Old-T hit the nail on the head!

I was almost a NCNS with a provider the first time I had a meeting with her. I fat fingered the wrong number into my hobby cell. I arrived and couldn't call for the room. Flew back to the office got the right info, texted and called. We ended up meeting for one hour (50 minutes to be exact) - my donation was for the full two hours booked. It was only fair.

I think most of us...providers and hobbyists have a sense of fairplay. I'm sure there are jerk hobbyists who try to rob, cheat and steal...just like there are providers who are CND experts...Neither last.

Its good to hear about fairplay in action...Now go cash in!
If a provider offers make up sex take it! I've had 2 providers do a nc/ns on me (current ATF, one a former ATF). When they offered me makeup sessions both were outstanding.
If my ATF ever NCNS with no follow-up later(within @24hrs - 36hrs), I would follow-up with her. No response x2 means DNS. I am overly forgiving of my ATFs but not others by nature. I recently was contacted by my MOET of ATFs and replied immediately after mos. of a disagreement. ATFs last forever with me. Hence the title, the definition.

ATFs, a title rarely given, but once I consider them that way, It'll take "Hell" to change it!!!
i got rid of disappointment by making my atf a street walker.

1. she has no phone, thus never a NC, well ,..she had a phone once but it kept running out of minutes
2.she cant not show, she right there walking down the street, she cant not see me driving up to her. or even pretend she doesnt see me cause I see her looking at me when I drive up
Still Looking's Avatar
i got rid of disappointment by making my atf a street walker.

1. she has no phone, thus never a NC, well ,..she had a phone once but it kept running out of minutes
2.she cant not show, she right there walking down the street, she cant not see me driving up to her. or even pretend she doesnt see me cause I see her looking at me when I drive up Originally Posted by JONBALLS