The saddest thing on earth...true love :-(

I was not sure if I should post this or not,
it is actually a very very sad and touching video of a cat trying to re-animate another cat, which is dead.

It shows that animals are more than capable of loving and missing.
When I saw this the first time, I actually could not help but crying.
It is so sad and yet so touching...

At the first video it says that the story happened in turkey and that the cat tried for 2 hours to re-animate the other cat,
who was killed due to drivers. After 2 hours the vet came , and the only thing he could do was take away the dead cat.
This is such a heartbreaking video....
I didn't dare open the link, sorry

I even cry watching commercials. Those dang Liberty Mutual ads where people pay it forward always choke me up.
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  • 04-10-2012, 09:02 PM
I didn't dare open the link, sorry

I even cry watching commercials. Those dang Liberty Mutual ads where people pay it forward always choke me up. Originally Posted by Giveumyhart
If those do you in... I bet you can't watch the Hallmark channel either. The entire lineup is one big chickflick after another, meant to cause feeling women to cry uncontrollably. I had a SO that would watch, and then be unhappy because the movies caused her to cry. When I caught her watching, I would warn her, "You're going to cry, and then you'll be unhappy." So, she would watch, and then whine about how the movies were so sad. I thought it was great that she had such compassion for others.
Thank you for sharing that. It is so sad, but on the other hand it is so beautiful. I'm a pretty strong fellow when it comes to that kind of stuff, but that even put a tear in my eye.
Thats why I didn't watch the video 69er lol

I know myself too well

I wanted to see Warhorse at the theater, but I would get teary watching the trailer! I'd never get thru the movie.

ninasastri says the clip is about cats and I have 2 cats
Yeah, you better not watch it. You'd be crying all night.
Good decision.
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  • 04-10-2012, 09:40 PM
Thats why I didn't watch the video 69er lol Originally Posted by Giveumyhart
You're a lot smarter than my Ex SO... Better looking too!! Perhaps if you are in Dallas, we could skip making you my SO, and just do the fun part!
I didn't dare open the link, sorry

I even cry watching commercials. Those dang Liberty Mutual ads where people pay it forward always choke me up. Originally Posted by Giveumyhart

I totallly understand, same here as well with the choking thing... that is why I posted the warning. It was so sad to watch for me too, yet it - I think - deserves to be shared - as a great sign and vision of compassion and love. ((((hug)))))
Thank you for sharing that. It is so sad, but on the other hand it is so beautiful. I'm a pretty strong fellow when it comes to that kind of stuff, but that even put a tear in my eye. Originally Posted by Salsa man
I cried , too. It i pure, raw and sad and yet so beautiful. And it is so worth sharing in a world where we see death every day and a life does not seem worth to be worshipped...That explains my decision to even share this on a board like this

I have 2 cats as well, and when my first cat died in 2008 my remaining cat would not get used to other cats at all. Just now, in 2011 november i brought another kitten and she seems to have opened up again. They do grief, too.

Which makes me say, that at the end of the day - there is still so much beauty and love out there, and such
Here is a similar one with a happy ending.... Thank god :-).

It`s about a dog saving another dogs life, who was hit by a car in rush hour . And the dog lives. Its amazing. I wonder if any human is so brave...
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I wonder if any human is so brave... Originally Posted by ninasastri

humans r more caring lovin & brave than animals. people r more important than animals. of course Rev. Rick Warren thinks dogs do go 2 heaven. he didnt mention anything bout cats. i think people often attribute human qualities 2 animals which dont exist in the animals. i think ur human-centric bias iz discriminatory 2 animals. r u from europe?
Humans can be brave obviously.

But its always amazing to see how animals can be so similar to us at times and ofcourse they dont have a voice which is all the more reason to help them when we can! I cant watch the cat vid...if its sad...I have seen the dog vid...amazing
there was a similar one last year after the tsunami in Japan....awfully heart wrenching
humans r more caring lovin & brave than animals. people r more important than animals. of course Rev. Rick Warren thinks dogs do go 2 heaven. he didnt mention anything bout cats. i think people often attribute human qualities 2 animals which dont exist in the animals. i think ur human-centric bias iz discriminatory 2 animals. r u from europe? Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
well, i think it`s all based on values and world views, and a matter of cultural philosophy and cultural belief-systems of which life is "worth" more or less. I assume that there are no "objective" measurements and definitive thoughtpatterns or Meta-philosophies that stand above the cultural bias, so is the view that animals are worth less, are worth more, are even considered to be of a different value. So is the philosophy of what animals are allowed to be eaten or how they shall be killed. I think, and studies have shown, too, that -once an animal developed a limbic system, they ARE indeed capable of emotions , empathy and care same or similar to humans. I think any bias in whatever direction is bad. I might add that animals per se are not capable of doing evil with pure will and consideration. Of course, one might add that animals act more "instinctively" than humans, but - hm - ethical consideration of so called "premeditation" and will to do harm might make humans - at some point - sometimes worse. Because we can CHOOSE to be different. Animals at some level or some point can`t.

I personally do not believe that humans are more importsnt than animals. But, of course , since we are humans and not animals, always someone tends to be biased to prefer his own "species". The question is, why would anyone regard humans as "more important". More important for what part of the universe? ANd why? I don`t see any difference. The world would not stop turning if no humans were on the planet. So , i don`t think it makes any difference. There are several books and stuies on animal consciousness, and - to put it blunt - many of them say as consensus that you cannot know what goes on in another brain except from your own point of view - which contributes to your point of the "humanizing" interpretation of animal behaviour as well, in which I am totally with you and agree.
But OTOH, all "animals" with limbic system and empathy might act similar in situations of pain , love and loss - like we do. It`s not such a wide step to assume that brains with similar functionability do indeed give similar output or perspectives.

ANd I think - videos like this show to us that we cannot say that "we" are so much above in the hierarchy. Of course you have been right to add that my question is biased.. True and good point.

I am from Europe, indeed, and I do read Schopenhauer, too (That was an inside joke - Schopenhauer was known for his preference for animals over humans - specially dogs - he wrote something I cannot find in english, unfortunately

about how the loyalty of dogs will stay with you in storm and flood and the loyalty of humans will end as soon as a light breeze comes.

Sure, heavily biased. But a point indeed ;-).
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  • 04-11-2012, 07:44 PM
nina I wish I had the video of me trying to save a pussy 'tat.

I have brought several back to life

I love them so!

I was not sure if I should post this or not,
it is actually a very very sad and touching video of a cat trying to re-animate another cat, which is dead.

It shows that animals are more than capable of loving and missing.
When I saw this the first time, I actually could not help but crying.
It is so sad and yet so touching...

At the first video it says that the story happened in turkey and that the cat tried for 2 hours to re-animate the other cat,
who was killed due to drivers. After 2 hours the vet came , and the only thing he could do was take away the dead cat.
This is such a heartbreaking video.... Originally Posted by ninasastri

I can't watch that. Being a cat lover and having had a cat whose brother passed away and how lonely he was's just heartbreaking.