Let's talk about texts, baby

I can only speak for myself, but appreciate any feedback. Many providers have a "NO TEXT" rule and I understand why. We all have a real life situation which requires alternatives to a phone call, but when is enough enough? I don't want to tell someone not to text, but I think a few texts maximum is reasonable. I can't have a conversation via text. I am using a throwaway phone, it can only store 99 messages.

My personal advice is if you are going to text, get straight to the point. If you can't talk on the phone and have things to discuss, use e-mail or pm's.

  • jwood
  • 04-11-2012, 08:16 AM
I'm with you Heidi. I really don't like texting cause I can't see and I'm slow. Plus I am driving most of the time. I like to talk to a provider I have not seen just to get a sense of our chemistry. Also I don't have a hobby phone, no one can hear my calls but they can get a record of my texts.
I do not like talking to random people on the phone because I have found they often behave inappropriately or ask inappropriate things or even want to talk ad nauseum.

Texting is fine if you want very basic info or if you are an established client wishing to ask my availability.

If you really want to communicate, e-mail me. What can I say...I'm old school! haha

If you want to find out if we're compatible, book a date. ;-)
I agree Heidi texts should be limited to a VERY few messages IF it's used at all. If you are texting get straight to the point in as few words as possible. If you want to have a conversation then call. If they don't answer a call then they probably won't answer a text. I will some times send a "can I call you text" so when she is free she can either text me back "yes" or she can go ahead and call me, which ever is convenient for her. I don't always just up and call because I don't want to disturb someone else's visit. So a brief text, IMHO, is ok but not a conversation text.
I agree with Gwen and Heidi on this one. I prefer eccie PMs to anything else. I don't mind a brief phone call, but sometimes those get uncomfortable with inappropriate questions being asked. I don't like to be put in that situation, and feel like I have to tell someone no. I don't mind texts, but I hate texting. I just prefer have a message here. Much easier to keep track of what is going on.
I agree with Gwen and Heidi on this one. I prefer eccie PMs to anything else. I don't mind a brief phone call, but sometimes those get uncomfortable with inappropriate questions being asked. I don't like to be put in that situation, and feel like I have to tell someone no. I don't mind texts, but I hate texting. I just prefer have a message here. Much easier to keep track of what is going on. Originally Posted by Rockelle
  • jwood
  • 04-11-2012, 01:28 PM
I didn't explain very well. What I was talking about is after the appointment is made and I am on my way to it. And it won't be about anything sexual, rates or menu. I agree that needs to be done by pm or email.
Well, jw, it's a general question. I was asking about initial contact. I don't like to be mean or set too many rules for initial contact. Everyone has a preference or a restriction and I try to be accomodating. t's just so hard to be nice when it takes an hour to set an appointment..or not to set an appointment. Direct e-mail, or phone is so much easier.
Put on the big boy pants and make a phone call!
Guys, everyone and their brother texts these days. As long as it's not about "inapropriate content" I see no problem. But, I'm a little old school, as I like to hear the other persons voice...i.e. a phone call. I put them big boy pants on and called you didn't I Heidi. Yep, I sure did!
MuffinMan's Avatar
I agree with heidi. I hate texting. Didn't buy a texting plan so every time someone sends me a text I have to go hunt my reading glasses PLUS pay to read the damned thing! Instead of taking me 2 min to type a cryptic message, I just prefer to use the phone part of my smart phone. lol

1ThickBlond's Avatar
I don't reply to texts from people I don't know. I need to hear a voice to decide if I even wish to continue to screening. Also, I can't stand stand to play ping pong back and forth for 30 minutes when the same amount of information can be exchanged in a 2 minute phone call. I don't mind texts from someone I've seen before or from my regulars. I know they are serious and not just playing games.