Mitt the Mexican Mormon vs. the Illegal Socialist Manchurian Candidate Mulatto II

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Here's your choices boys and girls. NWO left vs. NWO Right. Thank you for posting!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, those are our choices. There's no need to rig this election, it's lost before it begins.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's already been rigged.
BigLouie's Avatar
Jesus, those are our choices. There's no need to rig this election, it's lost before it begins. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Who would you rather have? Some old dude who said that if he had been president when hurricane Katrina happened he would have said "not my problem".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'd like a guy who would restore fiscal sanity, quit trying to police the world, actually not start a war without a declaration from Congress, and in general, leave me alone if I'm not bothering anyone else. That's the type of guy I'd like.

You know, just because something is a good thing to do, doesn't mean that the federal government has to do it.
joe bloe's Avatar
Here's your choices boys and girls. NWO left vs. NWO Right. Thank you for posting! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Mitt Romney was born in Detroit Michigan. His father George Romney was born in Mexico. Your description of Obama is dead on.
LovingKayla's Avatar
"I'd vote for a shoe over Obama. At least there would be a sole in the white house."

Hey would you left guys have voted for Christie?
Nice racially tinged title in your posting. I'd expect nothing less from somebody from friggin' Waco. Everybody has lost their mind since this Zimmerman thing.

I will proudly cast my vote for President Obama, and be glad when we win that we're safe from you lunatics for at last another four years.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, be proud, Timmy.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Nice racially tinged title in your posting. I'd expect nothing less from somebody from friggin' Waco. Everybody has lost their mind since this Zimmerman thing.

I will proudly cast my vote for President Obama, and be glad when we win that we're safe from you lunatics for at last another four years. Originally Posted by timpage
and a wasted vote at that, when was the last time Texas voted DR, LBJ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nice racially tinged title in your posting. I'd expect nothing less from somebody from friggin' Waco. Everybody has lost their mind since this Zimmerman thing.

I will proudly cast my vote for President Obama, and be glad when we win that we're safe from you lunatics for at last another four years. Originally Posted by timpage
Who says i'm from Waco?

and as far as that racial thing i guess that's the best i could do on short notice.

for Mitt the Mex that is.

So what does this show so far? 'Bout what i expected, throw out some smack, come back in a week and "everyone's" a pansy/idiot. hahaha.

What it shows is the extreme polarization between left and right. This country lacks a common middle-ground. In part because America is the Roman Empire of our time, complete with a political system corrupt enough to make Croesus blush.

If America has any chance at all, Manchurian Candidates notwithstanding, one order of business is OUTLAW all direct lobbying. Take the greed/grift away from an already wealthy political class who know they are spending Fed funny money. So no surprise they're in it for themselves. And screwing the the lot of us along the way.