Take care of business to avoid an international incident...

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-14-2012, 06:09 PM
During the incident, which happened Wednesday night, there was a dispute between at least one Secret Service member and a woman brought back to his hotel over a request to be paid, the U.S. government sources said.
If he had paid her, this would not be an international incident.
pickupkid's Avatar
Secert service need sex too
ForumPoster's Avatar
Like i said in another thread regarding same subject ... these "SECRET" agents were indiscreet to a degree of colossal monumental stupidity.

It is one thing to partake in local entertainment. It is entirely different situation when hiring an escort results in official police report and complaint filed with US embassy. And to have very public dispute in hotel lobby arguing over extra charges for the room ... that is taking it to yet next level of being morons.

I can only imagine how much fun was had by local cops when they knocked on US Embassy's doors and said "excuse us sirs, but some of your agents skipped on hooker bill".

Its obvious that the morons involved are not used to be accountable for their actions. I guess they are more familiar with hobbying in USA where flashing Secret Service ID will get them out of paying their tab. Who in their right mind will mess with them here where prostitution is illegal? However, in Columbia apparently girls could not care less if the guy who is refusing to pay them happens to be Secret Service agent or manhole covers salesman.

I wonder if these guys got together for breakfast day before and brainstormed ideas on "How Can I Fuck Up My Life For Sure" and then one of them had idea of hiring local escort, not paying her and then having public dispute in hotel lobby.

I was surprised to read abou this. These guys are part of the presidental detail that is the advance force. While not the actual detail guarding the Pres, they are the ones who map out everything down to the nth detail. For this big of a screw-up to occur is a real problem and is an indication that other things are amiss. Usually these guys are extremely discreet so for this to have happened, tells me that there are serious problems way up the food chain.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
all over $47 LOL! Dumbass

Prostitution is legal in much of Colombia inside “tolerance zones” controlled by police. The going rate for hookers in Cartagena is around $47, according to Colombian TV.
The trouble began for the Secret Service after the agents’ night of carousing, when a hotel employee noticed a hooker’s ID was still at the front desk at 7 a.m., in violation of hotel policy on overnight guests, King said.
The manager went to the agent’s room where the woman had spent the night and saw the two inside arguing, King said.
“She said the agent owed her money,” King said. “He said he didn’t have to pay her.”
He eventually forked over the money and the situation was resolved. But the cops were called and they filed a report, which was sent to the US Embassy.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/interna...#ixzz1s8aMcz7V
ForumPoster's Avatar
all over $47 LOL! Dumbass Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

After some consideration i came to conclusion .. we should take it easy on the guy .. he does work for the government so we should not apply same expectations of rationale to him
daty/o's Avatar
all over $47 LOL! Dumbass Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
It's all bureaucratic red tape. It just takes the government a long time to process payment requests. They will get their money.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 04-15-2012, 07:25 PM
I'm sure this will all blow over...

One of the guys will just admit they were interviewing ladies for the President, as per his written orders!
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-16-2012, 09:11 PM
Having been raised on Bond movies, I would never date outside the workplace if I was a T-Man. Part of their training program should be to watch all of them even the Peter Sellars one.

If this was during the Cold War, those prostitutes could have been Russian agents.
Cpalmson's Avatar
What happens in Vegas (er Columbia), stays in Vegas. They forgot rule #1 of playing when out of town. Don't do anything that would attract attention at home. Stupid is as stupid does.