I figured a few of you might like the subject of this article - be sure to click on "Figure 1" on page two to see the different shades they used for the test.
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/red_genitalia_study_testing_th e_sexually_salient_hypothesis. html
Something tells me Questor will appreciate this research / article . . . HA
- Jackie
EDIT: Here is the image . . . which color do you prefer guys?
BTW - since the question was scientific in nature and culled from an actual study and there is no insertion (hardcore depiction) in the image and the subject matter is partially obscured (plus the image is from a news article in the mainstream press), I believe it should be okay to post . . . but, if it needs to be redacted, I'll certainly understand - no hard feelings; anyone interested can look it up (the image) via the link in the article if it cannot be posted here. I didn't post the image to troll; I stumbled across the article and I'm really interested in what the guys (or the gals) think (prefer).
EDIT - removed attached picture as it does depict genitaila - violation of forum guideline #12 - see below - fritz