Smart Ass or Dumb Ass?

tia travels's Avatar
Inappropriate Test Responses From Children
Do you think this kid was being a smart ass or a dumb ass?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LMAO Tia!!

Being a former Science teacher I can relate to the op. Sadly some students believe that kind of stuff is the correct answer, others do it for a lark. The latter are usually among the smartest.

I like the "snow shovel" post, SnL.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Very clever child. I agree with Bull, both posts were good!

Thanks ...
setman's Avatar
A smart ass knows he is an ass.

A dumb ass doesnt.

Enjoy yourself.

Be safe.

Stay cool.

A while back, my grandson, who is 16 walked into his aunt's house and asked her what kind of crap she had for supper. She told him he could just go eat at his own house. I told him that being a smart ass and a dumb ass are not mutually exclusive.
tia travels's Avatar
Here are more...

It must be a RIOT to be a teacher!
I had a friend in my chemistry class who didn't know any of the answers to a test (the answers were supposed to be written in) so instead of even trying it, she simply filled in the blanks with the story about how she lost half of her finger when she was 5. She made a "C." I had to applaud her.

Here are a few that I've found extremely funny over the years..

There's also a whole book about hilarious wrong answers.
Shellcracker's Avatar
You are a sexy, beautiful, and oh so funny lady.
Q2. Does the object move after it comes to rest? If so, how high will it go up the slope before it comes to rest?


No, it is at rest, it doesn't move if it is at rest. If the slope is frictionless it will continue to oscillate between the slope and the spring until the end of time, it will never come to rest.

What kind of idiot writes these questions? What kind of scientific term is 'at rest'? I must look up the words Newton used...

Law 1 Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed

Now you might argue that a body is, at a particular instance in time, at rest because it's velocity is zero, but I don't think that is what newton meant. It certainly doesn;t feel at rest if you are bouncing off a concrete surface.

Newton uses the words 'perists in' which implies there is a time interval over which a body has zero velocity, not an instant of time.

I feel sorry for the kids.