Save our children and their children

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2012, 02:38 PM
There aren’t many budgetary projections that look 69 years into the future. But CBO does produce long-term budget analyses, including one under a scenario in which the current baseline budget numbers are adjusted to include changes to those policies that are widely expected to be enacted.

Under this status-quo scenario, CBO sees the deficit growing consistently as a percentage of GDP, from 7.4 percent of GDP in 2020 to 17.2 percent in 2040, 28 percent in 2060 and 42.8 percent in 2080.

As for debt, the situation is similar. According to CBO, the status-quo model produces debt levels that reach 433 percent of GDP by 2060 and 716 percent of GDP by 2080.

The comparable numbers for Ryan’s plan are 77 percent of GDP by 2060.


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We need a real plan. This is bullshit.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2012, 04:16 PM
dont guess the world is about to end now is it?

if it is its evident the republicans are too stupid to notice or dont really give a shit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They give a shit, they are positioning themselves, like the Democrats, to prosper when it happens. At the expense of the rest of us.
Who said any of us liked the Ryan Plan.??

I am beginning to think Rep Ryan is really a Democrat plant, put there to come up with ideas that are guaranteed to produce winning elections, for the Democrats.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2012, 04:33 PM
Who said any of us liked the Ryan Plan.??

I am beginning to think Rep Ryan is really a Democrat plant, put there to come up with ideas that are guaranteed to produce winning elections, for the Democrats. Originally Posted by Jackie S

apparently the republicans liked it enough to make it public and adopt it

whether any of you are them isnt my decision.

Ryan a dem plant? ... LMAO
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who knows why the Republicans do what they do. It's almost as if they are campaigning for Obama. That's why we need rid of all of them.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Like I said in the other thread, this is the same CBO that claimed Obamacare would cost half of what it is going to cost. Creative accounting by grabbing a number then filling in the slots to make the numbers work.

Can you cite some of the CBO projections or should I say predictions that have been accurate? Do they use the Magic * ball to get their answers.

Hell Obama couldnt even get his so called budget presented in the Senate and the House rejected it in a 0 - 414 vote.

Wasn't this the campaigner that promised he would cut the deficit in half and has only increased it rather than cut it.

I suppose he is too busy directing the SEAL team and running guns to Mexican cartels in between his monthly exotic vacations around the world trying to squeeze in a few meetings between rounds of golf and watching basketball games.

You know if the company I worked for was in as bad of shape as the government he is running, I would not have time to sleep much less time for fun trying everything I could do day and night to save it. I suppose that is just the difference between somebody that gives a shit and the President. Or maybe he isnt really trying to save it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2012, 04:56 PM
Like I said in the other thread, this is the same CBO that claimed Obamacare would cost half of what it is going to cost. Creative accounting by grabbing a number then filling in the slots to make the numbers work.

Can you cite some of the CBO projections or should I say predictions that have been accurate? Do they use the Magic * ball to get their answers.

Hell Obama couldnt even get his so called budget presented in the Senate and the House rejected it in a 0 - 414 vote.

Wasn't this the campaigner that promised he would cut the deficit in half and has only increased it rather than cut it.

I suppose he is too busy directing the SEAL team and running guns to Mexican cartels in between his monthly exotic vacations around the world trying to squeeze in a few meetings between rounds of golf and watching basketball games.

You know if the company I worked for was in as bad of shape as the government he is running, I would not have time to sleep much less time for fun trying everything I could do day and night to save it. I suppose that is just the difference between somebody that gives a shit and the President. Or maybe he isnt really trying to save it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

rather than rail against the CBO post another credible source that proves them different
CJ7. give me better explanation why someone would come up with a assinine plan during an election year that is guaranteed to do one thing, cost votes for his party.

Coming up with an overcomplicated "finacial plan" that 2/3 of the electorate doesn't understand, and is fodder for the left, is just stupid.
rather than rail against the CBO post another credible source that proves them different Originally Posted by CJ7
How can we post "Common Sense". I could post some TED NUGGENT.
But you Union Fucks would not understand it. And you fly airplanes.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not need to disprove your point when the source of your information has been discredited. I said you need to find a source that has measure of accuracy and not one that missed the cost of Obamacare by twice the amount they guessed.

This does not mean that I support the Ryan plan, I think that there are those that have better plans that will reduce government, reduce government spending, stop printing money with nothing to back it up and stop the borrowing for shit we cannot afford. The fact is neither the Republicans or the Democrats have the balls to do what is needed.

The best we can hope for is to get Obama out of office and stop the race to socialism and complete government control over our lives.
Maybe there are the weak minded that need the government to tell them what to do m how to do it and when they can do it but that is not what I believe is the responsibility of our government.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-24-2012, 02:59 PM
I do not need to disprove your point when the source of your information has been discredited. I said you need to find a source that has measure of accuracy and not one that missed the cost of Obamacare by twice the amount they guessed.

This does not mean that I support the Ryan plan, I think that there are those that have better plans that will reduce government, reduce government spending, stop printing money with nothing to back it up and stop the borrowing for shit we cannot afford. The fact is neither the Republicans or the Democrats have the balls to do what is needed.

The best we can hope for is to get Obama out of office and stop the race to socialism and complete government control over our lives.
Maybe there are the weak minded that need the government to tell them what to do m how to do it and when they can do it but that is not what I believe is the responsibility of our government. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

total horseshit
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Check it out and then show me it is horse shit. Tell me how much they missed the number by.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-24-2012, 03:37 PM
your horseshit argument isnt logical ....its a think tank composed of economists that reports to the government ... no where, no time has ANYONE making projections of ANY kind been 100% accurate ... and you actually think theyre supposed to be? ... DURRRRRRRR.

ok, fine ... lets DUUURRRR it up, shall we? sure we shall.

lets say the CBO missed the projection, and the Ryan budget adds 97% GDP to the budget in 2060, and not 77% ..

make you feel any better?