Condoleeza Rice As VP Candidate

On Hard Ball with Chris Mathews, they threw that out tonight, saying that there are many in the Republican Party that are starting to talk about her.

Interesting Choice. She was once described by George H.W. Bush as the most intelligent woman in Politics.

But, she has never actually been in politics, since she has never ran for an elected office.

Woman. Black. Smart. Consevative. Easy on the eyes. But maybe too cerebral.

Interesting, at the very least.
Works for me. Lets do it!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 06:53 PM
On Hard Ball with Chris Mathews, they threw that out tonight, saying that there are many in the Republican Party that are starting to talk about her.

Interesting Choice. She was once described by George H.W. Bush as the most intelligent woman in Politics.

But, she has never actually been in politics, since she has never ran for an elected office.

Woman. Black. Smart. Consevative. Easy on the eyes. But maybe too cerebral.

Interesting, at the very least. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Interesting yes--good, maybe not. Yes, she is a very smart person. Also a black woman if that really matters. And from what I have seen a nice person as well. But there are two issues with her:
--She is very much an academician. There are some serious gaps in "real world" realities. For example, some serious miscalculations about how the Mideast would embrace democracy, an idea very alian to them.
--She didn't always work nicely with others (understatement). In the world of politics that is a significant problem getting a govenment "team" to cooperatively get things done.

One telling note: more than a few state department people attended going away parties for her--after she left. A very, very different atmosphere than Colin Powell.
Anything is better than Biden!
You got your Biden. This thread is for PATRIOTS...LOL

Interesting yes--good, maybe not. Yes, she is a very smart person. Also a black woman if that really matters. And from what I have seen a nice person as well. But there are two issues with her:
--She is very much an academician. There are some serious gaps in "real world" realities. For example, some serious miscalculations about how the Mideast would embrace democracy, an idea very alian to them.
--She didn't always work nicely with others (understatement). In the world of politics that is a significant problem getting a govenment "team" to cooperatively get things done.

One telling note: more than a few state department people attended going away parties for her--after she left. A very, very different atmosphere than Colin Powell. Originally Posted by Old-T
Interesting yes--good, maybe not. Yes, she is a very smart person. Also a black woman if that really matters. And from what I have seen a nice person as well. But there are two issues with her:
--She is very much an academician. There are some serious gaps in "real world" realities. For example, some serious miscalculations about how the Mideast would embrace democracy, an idea very alian to them.
--She didn't always work nicely with others (understatement). In the world of politics that is a significant problem getting a govenment "team" to cooperatively get things done.

One telling note: more than a few state department people attended going away parties for her--after she left. A very, very different atmosphere than Colin Powell. Originally Posted by Old-T

You gave a fair description of Candidate Obama 3 1/2 years ago.
She's not the right kind of black woman. GWB put a black man and a black woman in the most important appointed position in the US govt outside of the SCOTUS and received no credit for it.

How can you watch Matthews? I thought he'd be the first one to go after Olby.
She's not the right kind of black woman. GWB put a black man and a black woman in the most important appointed position in the US govt outside of the SCOTUS and received no credit for it.

How can you watch Matthews? I thought he'd be the first one to go after Olby. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Is it ironic that Bacon preferred hope for breakfast instead of supper?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
She isnt interested and is glad to be out of politics.
She is an extremely smart lady and I do mean a lady. not that a democrat could recognize one.
I think the question still exists.... Where is the education In relation to the experience and if both exist could she be a asset to the GOP?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, I don't think so. Unless she can bring in Ohio.
We could have the Ted for VP. He is better than Bidden...

This is a big fucking deal....
cptjohnstone's Avatar
anything is better than biden
anything is better than biden Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Hahahaha those pics are better than Clark Griswold hanging lights! Well done sir!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Biden makes Clark Griswold look like Einstein.