Enhanced breast examinations?

  • hd
  • 04-25-2012, 09:18 AM
Just saw this article http://now.msn.com/entertainment/042...-exam-bus.aspx and got to wondering if and how a woman with enhanced breasts do or have an examination done?

With a silicone bag or whatever is used, wouldn't that make it difficult to feel any abnormalities? Or is a mamogram or xray what needs to be used?

And maybe this will remind some of the ladies it's time to get checked again?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Thanks for this post. It is appreciated.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I do self exams monthly, my surgeon showed me what to do. My gyn does them when I see her. I told her I have implants, and she checks accordingly. To be fair, I have saline under the muscle which makes it a little easier because you can move them around a bit more and feel the actual breast tissue.

Just don't hide the fact you have implants from your doctor, and make sure you tell them what kind. If they're worth the money you pay them, they'll know how to do an exam on a woman with implants.

Also, you can watch some videos on the internet too
i do self exams.. I didnt nor did my doc feel lump. Mammogram picked it up! Decided to do mammogram at an early age because ive had 19 yr old cousin diagnosed with breast cancer. GLAD i did. Cancer found....Had immediate surgery... then got these wondermous mounds of boobage. My first set was the saline.. and shes right.. u can move them around. I got these new ones later... silicone gel... and they feel so real and are able to feel if ANYTHING is out of norm or lumpy.

Self exams are great... but usually once u feel it... its large and more serious. I dont care how old you are... its the best $100 investment to your health!! Get tested!
  • hd
  • 04-26-2012, 12:51 PM
Thanks Missy and LL, after seeing that article, and that it is a porn actress promoting it, just made me wonder on how implants are handled, so to speak!

The gel implants feel SOOOO real... I am all natural, but I love feeling a fresh boob job on a fellow female... mmmm...
The gel implants feel SOOOO real... I am all natural, but I love feeling a fresh boob job on a fellow female... mmmm... Originally Posted by AO.DEMON

Me too! I have the gels and I so often hear from guys that they thought they were real...
Daen1304's Avatar
The gel implants feel SOOOO real... I am all natural, but I love feeling a fresh boob job on a fellow female... mmmm... Originally Posted by AO.DEMON
AO, I SO need to introduce you to this stripper at PT's, I'll pay for a dance for you.