Some Thoughts On The Paul Ryan Budget

BigLouie's Avatar

***44% Cuts to Education, & Social Service, Dept. of Labor, Health & Human Services, Arts, PBS,
***30% Cuts to Income Securities, Unemployment, Food Stamps, Disability,
***20% cut to Science, Medical and Technology Research
***24% Cut to Veterans Services
***38% Cuts to Infrastructure and Transportation ***3billion cut from clean energy while oil gets 4billion.
****8billion increase in annual defense spending even though we already spend what the next 17 countries spend put together.
***2.5 Trillion in cuts to medicare, medicaid, affordable care act
*** 2Trillion loss of revenue to give tax cuts to the wealth and
*** 1Trillion loss i revenue to give tax cuts to corporation - both of which already have gross loopholes, welfare and subsidies to where they weren't pay close to 35%.
SO Take from the average and lower income Americans, trashing wonderful programs that add so much benefit to the country to give to the rich and corporations?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, now let's look at the Democrat's budget. Oh, wait. They don't have one. They haven't had one in over three years. Never mind.
OZOMBIEISM- see below

***44% Cuts to Education, & Social Service, Dept. of Labor, Health & Human Services, Arts, PBS,
***30% Cuts to Income Securities, Unemployment, Food Stamps, Disability,
***20% cut to Science, Medical and Technology Research
***24% Cut to Veterans Services
***38% Cuts to Infrastructure and Transportation ***3billion cut from clean energy while oil gets 4billion.
****8billion increase in annual defense spending even though we already spend what the next 17 countries spend put together.
***2.5 Trillion in cuts to medicare, medicaid, affordable care act
*** 2Trillion loss of revenue to give tax cuts to the wealth and
*** 1Trillion loss i revenue to give tax cuts to corporation - both of which already have gross loopholes, welfare and subsidies to where they weren't pay close to 35%.
SO Take from the average and lower income Americans, trashing wonderful programs that add so much benefit to the country to give to the rich and corporations? Originally Posted by BigLouie
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I always like how they say "pay for tax cuts" like it belongs to the government.
How do they "pay" for the loss of revenue by killing jobs and businesses?

Oh that's right, I forgot, they just print more money!
Absolutely right! The lefts belief in entiitlement to our money is astounding.

Romney needs to cut the legs out from under the left 's "pay for tax cuts " arguments.

I always like how they say "pay for tax cuts" like it belongs to the government.
How do they "pay" for the loss of revenue by killing jobs and businesses?

Oh that's right, I forgot, they just print more money! Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The only "entitlements" I can find are what our lawmakers get in office. Except SS which most working people paid into,I guess it is a entitlement to raid it to balance the budget,LOL
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 09:13 AM
Ok, now let's look at the Democrat's budget. Oh, wait. They don't have one. They haven't had one in over three years. Never mind. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
no they dont

now tell the other half of the story .. why they dont.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's simple. They don't want the Republicans to have something to attack. They don't want to commit themselves to anything before the election. That's why.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 09:28 AM
It's simple. They don't want the Republicans to have something to attack. They don't want to commit themselves to anything before the election. That's why. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


wrong answer

ok, so where do spending bills originate?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Duh, CBJ7, in the House, which was controlled by the Dems for the first two years of the Administration, and no budget was presented. There was no excuse.

I don't like the Republicans. But the Democrats are no less culpable for our current situation than the Republicans are. They are working to together to make sure the country goes under.

And who wins if the country goes under? Goldman Sachs and the investment bankers, who will be able to buy entire industries at bargain prices.

We can complain about there being no budget, but the fact is, neither party wants a genuine budget. It doesn't fit in to their plans.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 10:07 AM
what about both parties agreeing to postpone the budget because of mid term elections ... ring a bell
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 10:19 AM
lemme help cof

Apr 3, 2009 a budget was passed for the year 2010

Sept, 2010 both parties agree to postpone the 2011 budget because of elections

Jan 2011 Republicans control the house

the 11-12 budget never passed so far the budget for 13 hasnt either ..

can you read between the lines or do I need to slow down and lay it out for ya?

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
He got spanked by the Conference of Catholic Bishops, who said the proposed cuts in Ryan's budget are "unacceptable" and "unjustified and wrong," and his whole budget "fails to meet these moral criteria."

“Our problem with Representative Ryan is that he claims his budget is based on Catholic social teaching,” said Jesuit Father Thomas J. Reese, one of the organizers of the letter. “This is nonsense. As scholars, we want to join the Catholic bishops in pointing out that his budget has a devastating impact on programs for the poor.” [...]

“I am afraid that Chairman Ryan’s budget reflects the values of his favorite philosopher Ayn Rand rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Father Reese. “Survival of the fittest may be okay for Social Darwinists but not for followers of the gospel of compassion and love.”

My thoughts: Last time I checked Jesus fed the poor (for free) and healed the sick (out of the kindness of his heart). Catholic bishops believe Congress has a moral obligation to fund all of the programs he wants to cut, so I have no idea why he thought "my budget is based on Catholic values" was ever going to fly.

I have no public opinion on the budget - but I love that he's trying "omg catholic" when it's the most anti-catholic budget he could have done.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The problem with Catholics is that they have turned to the government as the distributor of charity rather than their own church. More for them and less for the needy, in the church that is. They sure can afford to build some mighty fine cathedrals ong as the government is doing the work of the church.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, it was presumed in the founding of this country that the churches would care for the poor and indigent. That is why they got their tax exemption. Then politicians learned how to buy votes with tax dollars, and here we are.