Obama's EPA......this is truly scary stuff......an out of control EPA.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Kill the energy that made America great and along with it kill the middle class.
Why they follow this pied piper is believable.
What would you do if you wanted America to fail?

[quote=Whirlaway;2454547]What would you do if you wanted America to fail?

Listen to Rush Glenn and Sara
joe bloe's Avatar
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
What would you do if you wanted America to fail?

Listen to Rush Glenn and Sara Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Exactly correct. Foment hatred, spread disinformation, tell lies.....so the repuke sheep will rally around the poor oil and gas companies who can barely make a few billion dollars a year these days.

Funny; I thought the "let's crucify em" language of Obama's EPA spokesman (enforcer) was the intimidating hate speech.......

Don't get mad at me; it's Obama's war on the American middle class, not mine
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-26-2012, 07:52 AM
Don't get mad at me; it's Obama's war on the American middle class, not mine Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why is it so hard for either party to realize they are stereotyping the "middle class" when it is a very diverse group?

The officeworker in Manhattan who takes public transit and doesn'teven own a car isn't the same as the farm worker in Colorado who drives 80 miles each way to work.

The person on a penssion who has no kids in school and a paid off house isn't the single mom working two jobs to provide housing in a decent neighborhood.

The small coffee shop owner who strongly believes in a specific religeon and whose entire social life and support structure revolves around their extended family is not the same as the individualist who prospects for gold in rural Alaska.

So why does each party only see the middle lass through a very myopic filter, trying to insist we all want public funded vouchers, or all want subsidized oil, or all are against evolution, or all are in favor of the Cuban embargo, or all have certain tastes in art, or all are anti-gay rights, etc.

A plague on all your houses since far too many of us think the wings (wackos) in control of the two parties look like Fascist wannabes and Comunist wannabes--and in reality you'r both playing the same "we know what's best for you" games.
OK; Old Timer...your above the fray......your superior.....your right.....

STFU. Stop lecturing us from above.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
OldT, You're right, both of the main parties are only about control. That's why we need to get rid of them. They want to divide us into groups so they can conquer us. Get groups fighting against each other, and we will not notice who the real enemy is.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 09:26 AM
Funny; I thought the "let's crucify em" language of Obama's EPA spokesman (enforcer) was the intimidating hate speech.......

Don't get mad at me; it's Obama's war on the American middle class, not mine Originally Posted by Whirlaway

ladies and gentlemen please turn your republican talking points booklets to page two, and read along with whirlie.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-26-2012, 02:51 PM
OK; Old Timer...your above the fray......your superior.....your right.....

STFU. Stop lecturing us from above. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wow, so much stupidity in so few words! You're really good stupidity. I'm impressed.

I never said I was above anyone. Well, no, I get I do think I'm above a few folks.

As to being quiet: why in the world should I? Did I miss the memo that the 1st amendment now only applies to right wing wackos? If people like you, IB, and a few others didn't insist on posting such hate trash as y'all do then maybe I wouldn't have a lot to say. Besides, I have a couple thousand posts to catch up to some people, so maybe they might have an even greater urgency to STFU.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wow, so much stupidity in so few words! You're really good stupidity. I'm impressed.

I never said I was above anyone. Well, no, I get I do think I'm above a few folks.

As to being quiet: why in the world should I? Did I miss the memo that the 1st amendment now only applies to right wing wackos? If people like you, IB, and a few others didn't insist on posting such hate trash as y'all do then maybe I wouldn't have a lot to say. Besides, I have a couple thousand posts to catch up to some people, so maybe they might have an even greater urgency to STFU. Originally Posted by Old-T
You are biased Old-goaT. Your attempts to claim you are just a neutral observer who attempts to steer a middle course is nothing but bullshit lies.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-26-2012, 08:19 PM
You are biased Old-goaT. Your attempts to claim you are just a neutral observer who attempts to steer a middle course is nothing but bullshit lies. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Only a stupid person would claim not to be biased. Biases are the natural result of experiences and reflective thought (you should try that some time). Biases are what allow us to make distinctions, choices, and select one person for a job over another. Yes, I admit I am biased towards chocolate ice cream over strawberry, red wines over white, classical over country, brunettes over blondes. I'm biased towards basball over football, interesting people over dull people, dogs over cats. Though I know enough that biases when used right are tendencies, not absolutes.

I'm glad to know that you are above being biased. Well, maybe not.

I also have not pretended to be a neutral observer. If I wasn't opinionated I wouldn't waste time on this board which is nothing but highly opinionated people--or do you now pretend you are anything but loud and opinionated (be careful how you answer, we all know the answer is "yes you are").

But yep you're right, I am middle of the road--somewhere in the +/-1 sigma range of the US population, probably just right of center. It only seems to you like I'm a flaming liberal because how far off into the twighlight zone some posters--including you--are on here.

Lies? No, I am a piker compaired to such experienced ranting liars like you. Don't worry, I'll never take your title as top blowhard on here--I know I'm far inferior.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Obama's EPA......this is truly scary stuff......an out of control EPA.

http://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannis...mans-crucified Originally Posted by Whirlaway
We have some pretty smart US Senators up here and watch for James Langford, 5th Congressional, he is getting alot of exposure

and Big Tex, guess where he work before he got elected?