For days Obama has been huffing and puffing trying to scare up the youth vote - his issue is the interest rate increase on student loans that the Democrats approved back in 2007 when they passed legislation that required interest rates be boosted to 6.8% in 2012.

So, Boehner is scheduling a vote on repeal of the Democrat's 2007 legislaton - but the bill will require that the spending be offset with reductions in funding to Obamacare !

This will be interesting.........

Read this for the legislative history on the 2007 Democratic bill that required the interest rate increase:
BTW; Obama registered another "no show" vote when the Senate took up this issue.....I guess he wanted to be able to campgain both for and against it ......the slime ball !
Yes, how terribly interesting. More repuke antics rather than actually trying to do something that might help the American people.

Do you get paid to post up all this bullshit Whirlybird?
I get it want ever-greater defecits to pay for all the free shit you Progressives call good government !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So are you saying Obama was for it before he was against it?
I get it want ever-greater defecits to pay for all the free shit you Progressives call good government ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If your spelling and reasoning capabilities are indicative of the past state of our educational system, we ought to start giving away college educations....
When all else fails; go for "your typing skills suck" put down !

To the facts: Did the Democrats sponser and vote affirmative in the 2007 legislation to almost double the interest rates on student loans?


Did Obama vote against the 2007 legislation?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 11:00 AM
For days Obama has been huffing and puffing trying to scare up the youth vote - his issue is the interest rate increase on student loans that the Democrats approved back in 2007 when they passed legislation that required interest rates be boosted to 6.8% in 2012.

So, Boehner is scheduling a vote on repeal of the Democrat's 2007 legislaton - but the bill will require that the spending be offset with reductions in funding to Obamacare !

This will be interesting.........

Read this for the legislative history on the 2007 Democratic bill that required the interest rate increase: Originally Posted by Whirlaway

While 25- to 29-year olds support Obama by a margin of 23 points (46-23 percent over Romney), 18- to 24-year olds only give him a 12 point margin (41-29 percent).

if he scares up many more he'll repeat 08
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
So they want to lower student loan interest rates by boning people who rely on plans like this because "pre-existing conditions" are still legal in the free market?

Cool, thanks. From the bottom of my heart.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I understand the press (I only know what I read in the newspaper) Obama was for this bill which included a 1 July, 2012 sunset but then he didn't vote for his own bill...twice. Now he is campaigning against the GOP (which supports extending the bill) by saying he was against the bill that he sponsored???

Let me ask the learned people here; the ultimate goal is to forgive all the student loans which total almost 1 trillion dollars. What happens when all that money just disappears from saving institutions and the government coffers?
The report this past week about so many recent College Graduates not being able to find jobs, or having to settle for jobs that won't even pay the interest on their student loans, might be the Presidents biggest problem with young voters. They were all in college when he was elected, all stary eyed and mesmerized by phenominol teleprompter skills.

Now that they are getting a dose of what what the President's "hope and change" has wrought, and understand that there is more to governing than slogans, promises, and being "cool".
When all else fails; go for "your typing skills suck" put down !

To the facts: Did the Democrats sponser and vote affirmative in the 2007 legislation to almost double the interest rates on student loans?


Did Obama vote against the 2007 legislation?

No. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And? Is there a point?

Is it truly your position that the repukes give a rat's ass about the interest rate that gets charged to students for gov loans? Or is this a pathetic transparent stunt (which will be unsuccessful by the way, student loan interest rates are not something too many folks care about) by Boehner to try to blunt Obama's obvious popularity with folks who either have, or are getting, an education. Unlike you.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why is the government in the businees of laoning money to students in the first place?
Is it because the lenders were looking at another round of toxic loans that may take years and years to collect.

This is especially fearful when the employment rate for new graduates is about 50%.

Why has the cost of going to universities increased so much? Is it because they know that students can go out and borrow even more money and now they can pay the tenured liberal professors even more?

this is part if what the occupy portestors want, to not to have to pay their loans back, More free stuff.

Shut it down and let those that want to go to college work theri way through and pay as they go. Either the cost will go up or it will come back down to reality.

Oh I supose that the federal government could take over all the universities too.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You think the feds haven't already taken over the colleges and universities?

Government is not authorized in the Constitution to provide student aid of any kind. States and localities may if they want to. Or the student can work their way through. Watch costs come down if the federal government gets out of the student aid business. Federal student aid is simply another way to raid the Treasury. And buy votes for congressmen/women at taxpayer's expense.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This shouldn't be a problem since Obama promised he would cut the deficit in half.