KC community going down hill/eccie insiders support it

It's interesting to me that the decision makers of ECCIE would be opposed to appeasing a community as opposed to random people who are offering nothing but negativity to both men and women alike who are no part of it.

It is their decision and that's fine...but my posts and my ads and showcase are what make them money...just like many of yours. I am a positive contributing member of our KC community, as are many other providers who encourage and support ECCIE to their clients. That's what the guys like. Fun, friendly, discount for eccie, special pics and attention.

Unfortunately, I am not going to participate in making financial gain for a community that will not listen to my voice. EVERYONE in KC hates these ppl. who are posting. NYC and TX, boardman, you know the type. I know some people may not get this because it's not a matter of words. I don't really care about "hooktard"...though I personally would never comingle with someone who used that terminology. It is the tone, obvious contempt and lack of explaination when asked for one. I demand respect from my clients and those who interact with me without ever saying a word. It's my image that sets that expectation....ECCIE is lowering my image and putting me in a position where I feel I am being disrespected...not only for the demeaning comments of these obviously small minded dumbasses...but with dumb rules being sent to me in response as opposed to logic. Rules are made...when they don't make sense anymore they are changed to work. Geesh...what are you all...unrealistic uptght "rule followers." Do what makes sense...not what follows rule 23 or 29!!!!

I can't say exactly when and what, but I have two different connects who have been long involved in the business side of this trade who have been dying to start a board. What they needed was trusted providers and members to make the bridge.

I'm not threatening and I'm not saying when...what I will say is there are a lot of us who are tired of making money for people who don't give a shit about our integrity.

ECCIE is becoming a board with the impression of being low class and will continue to once the reputable higher end providers leave. There are certainly those who have already parted ways for the same reasons.
It's all about loyalty..we participate but expect someone to have our back. I don't want to be a part of something where I have no power to say, "that is clearly offensive and doesn't contribute anything to the conversation."

I'm sure it's no sweat off anyone's back...there are plenty of $250 girls who can post ads about how hot their ass is... those that will leave will be the one's with a brain and who are saying...sorry...I have standards and expect loyalty as participating members. Those are also the one's who attract spenders who don't have limits.

Thanks to the local mods who are forever loyal and helpful. 4 top providers and I are connecting with people from our past to create a board that appreciates us. I'm sure many will follow. I am not going to make money for someone or an entity that disregards my opinion...ECCIE is looking low class and going downhill...this is the word on the street, not mine.
Bristal's Avatar
I love how honest our (providers) emails and posts get around 4 or 5 in the morning. There is something about answering my 200th email that makes me "cut the crap".
Johnny4455's Avatar
Ari, I dont know you, but you are beautiful and apparently very good at what you do. ive never criticized you and wouldnt. Im a bit confused by your post, but I do know I have never paid eccie a penny. I know they make ad $, but not from me. I spent a fewe days in dallas and saw how well their eccie worked. Much bigger volume. What I am trying to say is this board works very well for me. I am sure you and other elite woman get nasty pms and nasty posts. I am sure you are frustrated about rules. Bet you would have similar issues on any board. You have built a reputation, based not only on you, but also stellar reviews posted on your behalf here on eccie, and by your ads and showcas, here on eccie.
dirty dog's Avatar
Ari I agree with you completely, please let me know if this other board becomes a reality.
Fastcar's Avatar
This is crazy,I've literally been thinking the same thing. It's not that these posters are from out of town,it's that they are so overwhelmingly negative. No positive comments or support is ever shown and who has the time to make 7000 posts anyway? I've sent 2 pm's this week to girls that I've never seen,and probably won't see,just trying to tell them not to let these guys get you down. I'm about to just stop participating because of the way everyone jumps on you for anything you say. Great people like Allie Kat have pleaded for more civility but it falls on deaf ears. Ari,I'll go where you go. Tell me more about it tomorrow,that is,if you can talk with your mouth full........
alterego1's Avatar
I drive to Topeka on weekends and frequently see the Phelps so I agree with you that the negativity gets old fast. My recommendation is to ignore them. Don't even take them to task. A response only feeds their ego and their negativity. And its really sad that they have to put others down or even come to the board to feel better. I don't blame you at all for the way you feel, but this board has provided me a huge benefit being fairly new to the hobby. But if you do start a new board, sign me up!
love2fishfork's Avatar
I have to agree with this. Recently there was a review that got out of hand. Someone makes a negative comment, and 10 other people pile on. I have a real problem with people posting without facts and trashing someone without really knowing if what they are saying is true or not. Seems if you defend someone, you're deemed a white knight! Oh well I've been called worse!

BTW this doesn't just apply to the guys, I've seen some pretty negative comments from providers on here too.
boardman's Avatar
Another thread about me...

...And a couple of weeks ago you had no clue who I was.

Fucking Awesome!

Ari, Good luck with that new board thing....Let me know how it works out for you.

How's this for a non-negative post?
noleftturn's Avatar
I think many of these negative posters do it because they know they will never have the chance of meeting these providers. They now have a way of communicating with some they can only dream about even if it is negative they are communicating. By making these negative posts it makes them feel superior. In reality they have no friends and use the key board as their kingdom. Ignore them and they will go away.
dearhunter's Avatar
Can I join?
Count me in on that too. These guys offer nothing positive to our community and we would be better off, and so would eccie, if they were banned from making further posts anywhere on this sight.
noleftturn's Avatar
BTW-aren't we all BORED with these guys?
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Nothing positive at all. Nothing of value at all also, which I think is the bigger issue. Look, I don't care if somebody does reviews or not but if you add no fucking value to the community, you are just wasting everybody's time. Move along.
boardman's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
NYC ?????????