who do you think has the best singing voice of all time!

i vote for Allison Moyet (from Yaz) and Stevie Nicks
boardman's Avatar
Wow that's wide open. Too many to name.

Two names come to mind right off the bat, Robert Plant, Lindsey Buckingham. I could come up with better ones if I put some thought into it.

Linda Ronstadt and Olivia Newton John for the chicks.
pyramider's Avatar
Dang ... You can't help but get overwhelmed thincking about the singers and what they brought to the table.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BobInKC's Avatar
Everytime I think of three three more come to mind. I've always though Sinatra and Garland were fantastic. For rock I like Daltrey, Ann Wilson, Sting. Soul maybe Al Green, Etta James, Whitney Houston. Ask me again and I'll come up with eight different ones.
Florenad from Florence of the Machine and Tori Amad.
Me, when I coo (and occasionally hit a few high notes), when I orgasm.
Lana Del Ray
The best singers are the ones that sound great a Capella, because they can carry a melody without musical accompaniment or electronic enhancement (which knocks out most singers from the 70's and 80's). There are so many that it is difficult to pick one let alone a few....

Old school - Frank (the 50's & 60's), Lena, Ella, Mel, Paul McCartney, Art Garfunkel
70's & 80's - Jon Anderson (Yes), Stevie Nicks
Newer - Amy Lee (Evanescence), Gwen Stefani, Adam Levine, Adele
pyramider's Avatar
All good, but when you wake up in the morning and a certain song is in your head. That song and singer become the current best.

bikebryan's Avatar
Freddie Mercury. His voice was like quicksilver.
boardman's Avatar
All good picks. I'm not sure how you narrow it down. I have a totally different set of names since my last post.

I remember seeing a recorded interview with a young Elvis. The interviewer asked him why he sang just rock and roll songs and didn't sing any ballads like some of the famous crooners of the time such as Sinatra. He said he didn't think he had a voice good enough to sing ballads.

The best all bring their own unique style that sets them apart. Kinda like great guitarists but that's a whole other thread.
Alison Krauss - Ultimate voice with or without music behind her!
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
In the Rock/Popular world: male singer: Chris Isaak. female singer: Enya

If I may subvert the thread a bit...the best screamers in rock: Jim Morrison, Mitch Ryder, Alice Cooper and the best all-time scream in a song....Roger Daltry in "Won't Get Fooled Again"
Fred Garvin's Avatar
As BobInKC said ask me tomorrow and I'll give you a different answer, but for today I'd say.

Etta James
Van Morrison
Sarah Vaughn
Marvin Gaye
Lavon Helm