Top 10 Rules of Alcohol

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01. Its ok to drink alone.

02. Alcohol can be mixed with anything, including more alcohol.

03. In voka there is wisdom, strength, and life.

04. Drunken words are sober thoughts, listen closely.

05. If you do something really stupid, never blame it on alcohol.

06. If she is still ugly after seven drinks, give it up.

07. Beer is food. Wine accompanies food. Cocktails demand food.

08. Respect an open bar, its a dangerous game.

09. Never turn down a free drink.

10. Good things happen when you stick around for just one more drink.

Whats your rule on Alcohol?

Enjoy yourself.

Be safe.

Stay cool.


Martinis are like women....

one is not enough,and three are too many
It seemed like a good idea at the time.