Ok now! I've had a moment of clarity where I feel it is interesting to pose the following question. Now everyone has had that perfect moment of sheer godlike sexual fervor! You know the best sex you've ever had! The no holds barred session where you were screaming your own name because you were so good! That insane moment where you've lost yourself completely, utterly and hopelessly in the moment.
Who can tell me what song brings back that perfect moment in your mind? More specifically, what what playing at that moment you were at your best?
And remember there are no wrong answers here. It is about the music.
For me personally it was a Michael Hedges piece called Arial Boundaries. Its and acoustic piece but I still remember fondly when it was playing and there was a massive rain storm and I was outside on a picnic table tearing it up with my significant other. There was lightning and heavy rain but we didn't care! The music was fantastic and the sex even more so!!!!!! I've never been in that moment since, but always look to recreating the passion!
So tell me the music that sticks in your mind during such and event.