The Avengers

gman44's Avatar
I just saw the Avengers today and it was so freakin' aweome

I'm definitely getting it when it comes to dvd
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-06-2012, 11:23 PM
Yep. A very entertaining movie!

It broke the all time record for opening weekend at the domestic box office, surpassing the previous holder by more than 60 million.
Is it just me or is Black Widow's superpower "headgames?"
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  • 05-07-2012, 06:36 AM
Is it just me or is Black Widow's superpower "headgames?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
I thought the other chick was hotter. Not that there was anything wrong with BW
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you talking about Agent Maria Hill (Fury's second in command) or Pepper Potts (Starks girl friday)?

Cobie Smulders

Gyneth Paltrow
Boltfan's Avatar
Saw it twice. And yes, Fury's XO was a smoking hot one too.

Not much can beat agent Romanoff though.
gman44's Avatar
Pepper Potts looked good and Maria Hill was hott
LovingKayla's Avatar
Twice in two days. On second run now!! Best movie in YEARS.
Great movie. Might be the hit for the summer!!
I just saw the Avengers today and it was so freakin' aweome

I'm definitely getting it when it comes to dvd Originally Posted by geniusman
Saw it last night it was awesome! I cannot wait till it comes out on blue ray DVD so I can add to my collection of movies.
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  • 05-07-2012, 01:03 PM
Agent Maria Hill, JD. I dont care for GP.
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  • 05-07-2012, 01:05 PM
Great movie. Might be the hit for the summer!! Originally Posted by rrabbit6926;2M663327
Might be? What u smoking rabbit? Have you seen the numbers?
Awesome movie. Personally I'm fond of Jeremy Renner, but Scarlett Johansson is super hot too. Thor wasn't too bad, but alas, I'm not into blonds no matter how hot.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My latest screen saver;
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In case no one realized it Cobie Smulder is the brunette from How I Met Your Mother.