I sometimes forget to lock my door. Yes, I forget It's 2012t vs. the 50's! LOL
This morning, I forgot. Little did I know, I was being "watched
When I woke today. ALL my valuables were gone! I filled a police report...the whole nine yards,
Distrought, I accepted my loss.
Later, a neighbougour boy stopped by my place for some reason and asked for a a cigarette. I told him he could have 12 if thats what he truly wanted. I inquired much about his childhood and was ....I guess ...motherly-ish... He wore a black huddie. I never thought anything of it.
I told him ,my story (of the robbery). He sat stilL ....I thought I was marley venting.
.....I Dont konw how he did it, but,when I least noticed. HE returned all of my things.