TSA Nabs Terrorist!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yup, these guys are earning their pay this week. Nabbed a criminal mastermind before the plane took off.


That's right, an 18 month old little girl was behind the terror plot. Even her parents didn't know.

Hat's off to you, TSA!

BigLouie's Avatar
In the USAToday story on the event the TSA agent told the parents they wanted to interview their 18 month old daughter. Really? Are they that fucking stupid.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They work for the government, so, YES.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Hey that's an intelligent day for these guys. Don't steal their thunder.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am afraid they profiled the kid.
boardman's Avatar
I don't know...she looks muslim to me.
BigLouie's Avatar
Hey that's an intelligent day for these guys. Don't steal their thunder. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Common sense is so rare now a days that you would think it was a super power.
no big deal her name was on the no fly list,they removed the family did some checking and put them on a later flight.
BigLouie's Avatar
no big deal her name was on the no fly list,they removed the family did some checking and put them on a later flight. Originally Posted by ekim008
Actually it is a big deal because either the Jet Blue staff or TSA lied about the status of the passengers. They are both saying the other side lied.

The story sounds cute when very young kids are on the no fly list and it makes good press but years later when they become adults it's not so funny when they find they can't fly because some moron made a mistake 40 years ago.