ever wonder where some PB Playmates are today?

sharkie's Avatar
Okay, so you don't. I remember this one from my youth. Lesa Ann Pedrianna, Miss April 1984. She still looks pretty good as she nears 50.


A link to her playboy pictures: http://vintage-erotica-forum.com/showthread.php?t=10762
I have been hobbying since 1998 and those are the same pics she has had since then
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-11-2012, 11:48 AM
I think her pics are from 1984.
Geeze, this old gal was a Playboy Playmate when I was young, and that was a LOOOONNNNGGG time ago. 50?

Hell, she knew Hef when HE was young.
tikkler33's Avatar
Leas Tyler has been around here a long time. Are you saying that she was a Playmate under a different name?
ZedX79's Avatar
I met her once at a get together. She looked nothing like that.