Return Mt. Rushmore!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Apparently, the UN wants the US to return the Black Hills to the Lakota. If you look at the treaty, the Black Hills have always belonged to the Native Americans. That is, until the white man found gold. I guess the treaty said it would belong to the Native Americans "until the sun stops rising in the East, and setting in the West*

*or we find gold, whichever occurs first"

TheDaliLama's Avatar
"until the sun stops rising in the East, and setting in the West*

That sounds like Walter Cronkite signing off...Only he would add.."The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.."

In the Movie "Little Big Man" is was.."as long as the wind blows and the grass grows".
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Fuck the UN. Useless Nincompoops.
thisguy23's Avatar
Apparently, the UN wants the US to return the Black Hills to the Lakota. If you look at the treaty, the Black Hills have always belonged to the Native Americans. That is, until the white man found gold. I guess the treaty said it would belong to the Native Americans "until the sun stops rising in the East, and setting in the West*

*or we find gold, whichever occurs first"

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not going to happen
joe bloe's Avatar
The liberals are always talking about how the Europeans stole America from the noble indigenous people. I think all the liberal Euro-Americans should pack up and go back to Europe, either that, or shut the fuck up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The liberals are always talking about how the Europeans stole America from the noble indigenous people. I think all the liberal Euro-Americans should pack up and go back to Europe, either that, or shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Whose ancestors weren't conquered by some invading people at some point in history?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The concept is lost on most people.
The liberals are always talking about how the Europeans stole America from the noble indigenous people. I think all the liberal Euro-Americans should pack up and go back to Europe, either that, or shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I think all the liberals and conservatives should pack up and haul ass.and shut the fuck up
Why Not? Give it to the Lakota, let them put a big Casino right at the base of the Mountain.

Or better yet, do some real research and find out who was there before the Lakota. Or maybe who was even there before that. Regardless of where it ends, I bet it never changed hands on peaceful terms.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I just want the government to shut everything down except the bare essentials till we get it under control and retire our debt or make the servicing of our debt and obligations manageable within reasonable means. It sure aint that way now.
Apparently, the UN wants the US to return the Black Hills to the Lakota. If you look at the treaty, the Black Hills have always belonged to the Native Americans. That is, until the white man found gold. I guess the treaty said it would belong to the Native Americans "until the sun stops rising in the East, and setting in the West*

*or we find gold, whichever occurs first"

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hey COG post that link I want to read it. Thanks
pyramider's Avatar
To the victor go the spoils.
joe bloe's Avatar
Why Not? Give it to the Lakota, let them put a big Casino right at the base of the Mountain.

Or better yet, do some real research and find out who was there before the Lakota. Or maybe who was even there before that. Regardless of where it ends, I bet it never changed hands on peaceful terms. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Twelve or thirteen thousand years ago nobody was in North America. The so called indigenous people are actually Asians who walked here, across the Bering Strait during the last ice age. Maybe we should all leave and give America back to the Buffalo. That would probably make the tree huggers happy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's not about who was there first, it's about whether the US should be bound to honor its treaties, which are on an equal level with the Constitution. The Supreme Court, that so many of you like to throw in my face when I disagree with them, has already ruled that the land was illegally taken from the Lakota. But the Court awarded cash, and the Natives refused, insisting on the return of the land.

Here's the Wiki link, which has some links to the documents themselves.
joe bloe's Avatar
It's not about who was there first, it's about whether the US should be bound to honor its treaties, which are on an equal level with the Constitution. The Supreme Court, that so many of you like to throw in my face when I disagree with them, has already ruled that the land was illegally taken from the Lakota. But the Court awarded cash, and the Natives refused, insisting on the return of the land.

Here's the Wiki link, which has some links to the documents themselves. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If we're forced to start honoring all the treaties we broke with the Indians, we'll probably lose most of the country. It's not practical at this point. I damn sure don't think we should do anything because the UN told us to do it.