Hell Yeah, with maybe a stop in Topeka.
Cant let COG get his paws on you before the rest of us has a chance you wont be the same after the COG experience so I have heard lmao
Dallas as someone from Wichita who has read your reviews, I would definitely say you should visit Wichita. I tried to see you once before in Either Biloxi or Memphis and my schedule got screwed up. Please come to Wichita while you are in Kansas!
Wow Dallas everyone loves you every where you go! I wanna be like you when I grow up! LOL. If you tour Kansas, take me with you! We can do hot damn doubles all over KS!
Saw Dallas Rain in New Orleans yesterday. I rode it like I stole it and Mr Happy will be resting for a few days as he was used and abused in a most delightful way for 90 minutes straight. It was an experience unlike what you'll find most anywhere, has more energy than girls half her age.